Chapter 28

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Tracey did go home with Luke, which she was a little uncertain about. More because she barely knew him, but she figured she could trust him. He had been good to her throughout the night and if there was something to really worry about, Boyd would have spoken up about it. Tracey didn't get to see much of Luke's home, simply because it was night and she really did need to get to bed. She was exhausted and starving, but didn't want to impose on Luke to ask for something to eat. So she simply went to bed in the clothes he had given her at the clubhouse and tried to sleep. But every time she closed her eyes, all she could see was Reece's cut arm and Reece falling unconscious. She hated that she couldn't keep her mind blank. If it wasn't Reece she was thinking about, it was the fact that she had turned and had been stuck in wolf form for a month and a half. The other factors were, she had died and another hit had been placed on her and she had no idea about it.

Tossing and turning, round and round she tried her hardest to slip into slumber. But all she seemed to do was 'pretend to sleep' and stress herself out to the point that she cried. Things were so up in the air and confusing at the moment, she couldn't help but feel the way that she did. Hearing movement in the house, Tracey tried to hold her breath to quieten herself down to listen, but she just ended up sniffling more and feeling her chest spasm. With a knock sounding at her door, she heard it open and the sounds of feet thumping against Luke's wooden floor boards. Then she felt the bed move and as she opened her eyes, she saw Luke's silhouette climb into bed with her and shuffle up close to her.

On his side and extending his arm out, Luke rested it onto Tracey's waist and stared at her with a saddened expression. Luke had been restless too, but more so when he heard her sobbing from the other end of the house. "It's okay." He softly cooed, wanting to help calm her down. "Would you like to talk to me about what's got you so upset?"

Tracey thought it was sweet of Luke, but also silly of him to even question her. Wasn't it obvious? A bomb had been dropped on her and she was there to witness Reece try and kill himself, so much had happened that she was having issues trying to comprehend it all and cope. Worst part about it was that she couldn't go and see Reece, she couldn't talk to him and make sure he was alright. She couldn't even show him that she was in fact alive and physically okay.

"Everything." Tracey cried, trying to look at Luke through her salty tears.

Seeing that Luke didn't know what to say, she felt his arm snake around her waist further and he pulled her against him, so that her face could be nestled into his warm bare chest. "Reece tried to kill himself and I couldn't do anything to stop him."

"But you did, if it wasn't for you, do you reckon we would've gotten to him in time? No way." Luke murmured. "Boyd was concerned initially, which is why we ended up outside. But you, you were the one who alerted us. You saved his life, Trace."

Tracey shook her head against Luke's chest. "I did this to him. Everything that's happened, it's all my fault."

"No, it's not." Luke promised.

"It is... if I had of just listened, none of this would have happened." Tracey's crying grew worse. "Better yet; if we hadn't of met, none of this would have happened."

"Don't talk like that. I understand you might feel like it is your fault, but it's not." Luke used his free hand to run his hand through her hair. "None of us expected any of this."

Tracey didn't say anymore, she just continued to cry in Luke's arms. She really was pleased to be comforted by Luke, but there was only one pair of arms that she wished she was in. She wished it was Reece who she was being embraced by. Hell, she wished she could be sitting by his hospital bed, holding his hand. Anything. She just wanted Reece.

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