Chapter 26

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More days passed by and still there was no more news on Brody, it seemed like the whole 'track his registration and find his address' idea went down the drain. Reece was motivated to find and kill the fucker, but at that point it almost seemed hopeless. Each time they thought they were close, he seemed to slipped between his fingers and again they were back to square one. Reece had to admit, Brody was smart about how he played the game. Stupid, but smart. He was almost like that blue eyed wolf, untraceable. Sitting on the bed in the dorm he was staying in, Reece clutched Tracey's necklace in the palm of his hand. His mind was roaming endlessly, thinking about all the things in his life currently, of things he had on his 'to do list' and things he wished he had on that list. Reece was pondering on how he was supposed to contact Tracey's family and explain to them what had happened to their daughter, whilst introducing himself as their daughter's boyfriend. He had no idea how they would react to him and what they would want for their daughters remains. He figured they would want her home, back in the Northern Territory. But he wasn't entirely sure on how that would happen. Reece would happily sort it all out and pay for everything, but he had no idea on where to begin with any of it. He figured one way to find her parents would be by searching through her Facebook and seeing who else had the same last name as her. Then what would he do? Message them and ask for their contact details, so he could call? What would he even say, written and verbally? Shaking away those thoughts, as they were too hard to even consider thinking further about, Reece thought about what he could do and think about.

One thing on that list was accommodation. He wanted to contact the realestate and give them a stern mouthful, over their slackness. He hadn't heard anything from them, especially not when they were supposed to be finding him a new rental. On the subject of that, Reece needed to move everything he still had left over at his old rental, somewhere else. Whether it was to the clubhouse for now, or even at one of his brother's places. Just until he had his own place again. The next thing was, when would he return back to work? And would he be mentally okay to do so?

Feeling his phone vibrate in the pocket of his jeans, Reece's mind slipped back to reality and he seized his phone and held it firmly in his free hand. Whilst still gripped onto the necklace, he touched his screen to see a text message. Touching it further and seeing that it was from Luke, Reece read it. 'With David. Tracked Brody down, will message you when we have him pinned. Be ready.'

Reece's heart thumped harder in his chest and he felt his entire insides twist and turn. Reece couldn't describe the feeling he had, it wasn't good nor was it bad. But whatever it was, it was lingering. Changing his ringtone/sound settings on his phone to full volume, Reece returned his phone back to his pocket. Opening his palm with the necklace in it, Reece stared at the black moonstone. He was suddenly feeling a little restless, especially since the news. He wanted to get up and do something, but he didn't know what.

"So they may have found him?" He heard her voice, inside his head again.

Since that vivid 'daydream' or whatever it was in the river, Reece had been seeing and hearing Tracey frequently. It was never at certain times, it was all completely random, and like a dream or as if she was there in real life, she seemed so real to Reece. He could physically feel her touch when he imagined her touching him, hear her as if she was right there. It was crazy. Maybe he was going crazy.

"Yeah, maybe." Reece answers, raising his attention from the necklace and looking over towards the doorway.

"What will happen?" He heard her again, but this time he could locate where her voice was coming from. Turning his head to the space on the bed beside him, he saw Tracey laying there. She was on her side, under the covers with her attention solely on him. Reece knew she wasn't really there, but that didn't stop him. As worrisome as the daydreams may have been, indicating hallucinations, he took some enjoyment out of them. He could talk to her, that was more than anything he ever wanted.

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