🌌•Chapter 10•🌌

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'Wow, that's so spread around the world, well most of the world tho.' Lea says with a giggle at the of her sentence. 'Yeah, but I hope we'll all come along.' 'Sure thing, but I don't think we can count on the other girl, what was her name again?' says Jessica and thinks of the other name. ' Oh her name is Li Hua Fang, I saw her name tag at the audition, but it was in Chinese.' Kendra says, but suddenly Amber bursts into giggles. 'Omg that let me think of that one meme with Eric Nam, hahaha.' As she laughs everyone laughs with her and they enjoy themselves for some hours, little did they know they were spied at. 

'It seems that they enjoy themselves.' 'and that's great, but I only count 8 girls, where is the 9th one?' Namjoon says and sees Jungkook staring at one of the girls of the group from the audition. 'Wha~ Cookie, it's only been a couple of hours and you're in love.' 'What?' Jungkook says in confusion about what namjoon says and they all 7 go back to work.

After some hours of talking about themselves and how they were invited to audition, but not all of them. 'Well girls it's been amazing but I gotta go, It's beginning to be late.' 'Well as an official Korean person I say, it's never too late in Korea, so what do you all say, are you in for some real fun?' Seoyun says with a big smile. 'Not quite, I think we all have some jetlag from the flights, but let's plan something in the future again!' Moon says with an explosion of joy. 'Then that's settled, to the future.' Seoyun says and everyone waves goodbye for now. 

Amber and Moon go back to their Hotel to pack while Soomin goes in the same direction as Kendra. 'So you staying anywhere?' 'Yeah, with a friend of mine, that I have known for most of my life.' Soomin talks about Leyah with pride, 'I'm glad I found someone like her as she was every time for me when I had it hard in life.' 'Wow, I'm very happy that you found something like that, I also had it hard but when I lived in London, every time I talked with my "accent", people mock me and say things like "It's wother not water".' 'Wow that's really familiar to mine, but I always got it hard with my family mostly my dad, but I hope I can make him proud by doing this. Achieving my dream to perform as an idol and inspire others.' Soomin explains. 'I hope that for you two, I only wanted to audition to become famous and to show that I'm not only a voice, but also a person that cares about people.' 'That's a great goal' Both girls smile at each other and soomin then sees the house of Leyah, Well I guess our paths now will cross, but I'll see you later on, right?' 'You got it, be sure to bring every necessary, because you never know.' 'Thanks for the tip, laters Kendra!' Soomin says waving her bye before entering Leyah's private house.
But as Soomin enters she sees some mysterious pair of shoes in the shoe cabinet put in.


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