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| This is season 4

Season 1-4 spoilers

If you're having troubles finding the 3rd or 4th season, it's on YouTube for eng dub. All of it. The channel's name is Nezha and if you search up season 3 or 4 you'll probably find it quickly. I suggest looking up the season 3 one because it has more views and is easier to find, then just click on the channel to find season 4. Both videos are around 2:28:00 in length.

Anyway that was all, now onto the story.

With Azure defeated, Yellowtusk capture, and Peng missing the group was finally able to celebrate a full victory. Despite Sun Wukong and Macaque knowing the peace wouldn't last long, they still allowed themselves to relax and not burden the others with this information.

A month had passed since these events and Macaque continued to find himself at the front door of Pigsy's Noodles. Most times he would just stand outside and eventually end up leaving without stepping foot inside, but today he was feeling courageous. He wouldn't admit it, not even to himself, but he just wanted to hang out with the group again. They brought him a sort of nostalgic feeling.

It was later in the night and the sun was beginning to set. Macaque wasn't even sure if Pigsy's was opened, but when arrived through a shadow portal to the door, he could hear the chatter and laughter of the group inside.

He reached out his hand to move the curtain/door when he realized he was shaking. He stopped himself and stared at his trembling hand. Was he really this scared to go inside? It's not like he was unwelcome, Mk often times begged him to join them for food and games, but Macaque always declined with some poorly made up excuse. "It's late." "I have to check up on my dojo." "I'm not a people person." "I think I left the fire on?"

The real reason he never joined their activities was Wukong. The two of them hadn't been on the best terms beforehand and the whole teaming up to save the world and each other didn't really change much of that. They hadn't even talked since everyone was at the beach. Since then, it had only been exchanged glances and awkward greetings. No real conversations or relationship repairing. Whenever he did find himself around them, he would overhear Wukong complaining about him and how he was a damper on the mood, which by that point gave Macaque the reason he needed to leave. Oftentimes through a shadow portal with no heads up, a quiet exit. No one really noticed or atleast they pretended not to notice he had left. Sometimes Mk would check in on him though, to ask him if he was okay, but Macaque would just give him one of his poor excuses.

Macaque blinked, snapping himself out of his trance. He dropped his hand to his side and sighed. Maybe he shouldn't go in after all. He wasn't invited in the first place and showing up out of the blue, especially if Wukong was there, would really only damper the mood.

He looked back up at the door one more time before turning around and walking away, that was until he heard Mk calling out to him.

"Macaque?! Is that you?!"

Macaque stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around to face Mk. "Hey, bud.." he said with a nervous smile.

"Oh my gosh it is! You should come inside, we're just starting dinner!" Mk was still yelling at him despite only being around 10 feet from him.

"Ahh.. you know I would bud, but.." he glanced past Mk and could see Wukong glaring at him from inside the restaurant. "It's getting late and I need to check on my dojo-"

"Oh come on! You always make that excuse!" Mk threw his arms out to the sides, emphasizing his point. He actually looked..upset.

Macaque paused and looked back into the restaurant, Wukong was now faced away from him eating noodles. He looked at Mk who was looking at him with a desperate look.

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