Movie Night With Friends

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The smell of cheap nail polish filled the small room. Some of it drifted out the open window, but not enough to keep it from burning the nostrils of any poor soul who may enter. But there was one individual who didn't mind the smell. Actually, he enjoyed it, despite his sensitive sense of smell. It just reminded him how fabulous the outcome would turn out.

Macaque hummed in satisfaction as he lifted up his hands to admire the freshly painted nails. He was finally able to regrow his lost nail with the help of the pendant and decided to paint them in a small celebration. He chose the color black to complement his fur and man did he feel pretty. If only he had a mirror, he could do his makeup.

He sighed, closing the nail polish bottle and setting it on the ground next to his 'bed'. Maybe Mk or Mei would bring some makeup or something, then he would have an excuse to use their's instead of just outwardly asking. He sighed again. 'Fat chance,' he thought, frowning at his nails. 'Can't have everything you want I guess.'

But that was enough complaining, he had a movie night to go to. One he was actually kind of excited for. Minus the anxiety grabbing at his heart from not knowing how the others would react to him being there. He cleared things up with Mk, atleast he thought he did, or else he probably wouldn't have been invited in the first place, but the others were still a mystery.

He'd just have to find out. And so without further thought he opened a shadow portal straight to the entrance of Pigsy's. He was immediately greeted by the sounds of laughter and small talk coming from inside.

He was about to knock on the door before it swung open revealing a very surprised Mk with a huge bag of trash.

"Macaque!" He yelped, forcing himself to an ungraceful stop before he could run into the simian.

"Hey kiddo," Macaque waved.

"You showed up!" The kid beamed, eyes just about doubling in size.

The shadow raised an eyebrow at the boy's excitement. "Yeah?"

"Oh! You never texted back so I just kind of assumed.." he trailed off, rolling his wrist to finish his statement.

Macaque's ears drooped slightly. "Oops, yeah sorry bud. Forgot to reply." Mk nodded, seeming to understand, but then looked past him expectantly. "Going to the trash?" Macaque asked, pointing to the bag in his hands.

"Yep! Just finishing up a couple chores for Pigsy so we can get this show on the road!"

"Here," the demon opened a portal in between them. "Allow me."

Mk looked up at him confused, but then his eyes widened and sparkled when he understood what Macaque was offering. "Thanks!" He exclaimed, dropping the trash into the portal.

Macaque did a short bow before following the boy back into the restaurant.

The entire place looked completely different. All the lights were off and replaced with color changing LEDs, the only light that stayed on was above the stove where Pigsy was working. The bar stools were gone and the booth seats were being used to create a large makeshift couch facing a TV that had been placed on the counter. The tables had disappeared too and were replaced with an ungodly amount of blankets and pillows. The kid really went all out for this.

"Hi Mr. Maquack!" Sandy's voice caught the monkey's attention. The big blue guy was sitting on the couch next to Tang.

Macaque gave him a small wave, about to say hi back, before Tang glared at him. But he shrugged it off, he kind of expected this type of reaction so it didn't bother him as much as he'd thought it would.

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