A Shadow's Visit

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Wukong laid in his brand new bed, basking in the sunlight that shown through the window. This place was perfect.

He hummed to himself as he snuggled further into the blankets. That sleep was the best nights sleep he'd had in forever and he wanted to see if he could stretch it out longer and he almost did, until there was a knock on his bedroom door. He groaned when it knocked a second time, realizing this was the end of his relaxation.

"Come in! It's not locked!" He yelled from his bed, not wanting to get up.

The door didn't open. Confused, he sat up and stared at the door. He thought for a moment about who could've knocked on his door. Macaque maybe? He did give him the note yesterday and it was Thursday now, if he didn't show up today, he wouldn't at all. He shook off the thought. If it really was him, he'd just have popped into the room through a shadow portal, he's not really the polite type, especially when it came to Wukong. It was probably one of the monkeys pulling a prank on him or just exploring the new area and hit its head falling down the stairs or something.

He was about to lay back down when a shadow crept across the floor from under the door, in the silhouette of..Macaque. He narrowed his eyes as the monkey appeared out of the shadow, making eye contact.

"Couldn't use the door?" He asked sarcastically, crossing his arms.

Macaque just rolled his eyes. He looked tired, like he hadn't slept in days and now that Wukong really looked, he didn't appear well at all. His fur was greasy and he probably hadn't groomed himself in forever. His eyes were bloodshot and had bags under them. Atleast he had gotten dressed.

"I've come to give you back your hair. You left it on my bed. Maybe I'll leave it on yours," he said, looking past Wukong, who was sitting at the end now.

"Wait! That was supposed to be a piece of paper!"

"It was..now it's hair," he held it out and placed it into Wukong's hands.

"Oh, did you read it?" He asked and without a thought, shoved the hair in his pajama pocket.

"Yeah, I'm here for the 'deets'" Macaque snarled at him.

"You look like shit," Wukong said pointing at Macaque's face.

"You left my window open," he narrowed his eyes at the Great Sage.

"Did I?" Wukong thought for a moment.

Macaque's eyes widened. "Did you not?!" He looked panicked, but was trying to cover it up with anger.

"Oh, wait, yeah that was me!" Wukong laughed. "It was really stuffy in there."

Macaque glared at him, relaxing slightly. "Typical."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

He looked him up and down, then leaned closer to him. "That you have no regards for others and only care about how you feel," he curled his lip back, showing off his teeth as he spoke.

"Oh really?! I'm the one who's giving you an invite!"

"Oh how kind of you. The Great Sage Equal to Heaven has invited ME the lowly Six-eared Macaque to a barbecue," at this point sacarsm was practically dripping out of his mouth as he spoke.

"Well it looks like you don't want to go after all!" Wukong smirked at him.

Macaque didn't respond and looked away, towards the bean bags sitting on the floor.

"Pink and purple?" Macaque raised an eyebrow at him.

"Peach!" Wukong corrected him. "And Mk picked them out."

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