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It was a perfect day on Flower Fruit Mountain. There was a cool breeze blowing through the trees, but the sun provided a comfortable warmth to any in it's glow. A perfect day for napping.

Unfortunately Wukong couldn't fall asleep, he was too excited. Mk, Mei, and Tang had come over to paint, furnish, and decorate the hut. He thought he would be a part of the process, but nope, they kicked him out immediately, saying it was going to be a surprise. Now he was stuck outside, which normally wouldn't have been a problem, if he could fall asleep. He tried his cloud, against a tree, on top a tree, on a branch, but none worked. Currently he was trying his luck hanging upside down from a branch by his tail.

"Ughhh!" He groaned, letting go of the branch and landing on his feet as he hit the ground.

He was incredibly bored and couldn't stand one more second of it. Pacing back and forth on the forest floor
He tried to think of something to do, but there was nothing, except... He smirked to himself, having finally come up with an idea.

The cheeky monkey summoned his cloud and flew back to the entrance of the cave. He assumed there would a lookout to make sure he didn't come in, so he turned into a fly and began to fly inside.

He had actually made it pretty far before another fly flew in front of him, facing him. It's eyes were gold.


"Monkey king!" The other fly buzzed at him, it was Mk.

Monkey King groaned as he transformed back to his original form, Mk doing the same.

"You promised!" Mk pouted, crossing his arms as he stared at the King.

"I know bud! But it's just soooo boring out there!" The Monkey King dragged his hands down his face, pulling on his bottom eyes lids dramatically.

"You could go hang out with Sandy!" Tang yelled coming out of the hut. "He's probably doing something fun!"

Mk looked back at Tang confused, then his eyes widened and he turned back to Monkey King.

"Yeah! Sandy said he was doing something super fun today!" Mk said, his smile a little too big.

For some unbeknownst reason the Monkey King believed him.

"Really?" The King rubbed his chin thinking.


"Welp! Whatever gets rid of this boredom!" He jumped up on his cloud, gave Mk a thumbs up and tore off.

"He's not really doing something fun is he?" Mei asked narrowing her eyes at Tang.

"Nope!" He said walking back into the hut.

It didn't take the Monkey King long to reach Sandy's boat and he was glad, he didn't want to be put through another second more of boredom.

He reached the door and heard people talking inside. Two people maybe, both male, one Sandy? He tried to listen closer, but he couldn't tell who the other voice was.

Not wanting to wait any longer to try and figure it out, he banged on the door. The voices stopped. A couple seconds went by and the door opened.

"Oh, hey Mr. Monkey King?" Sandy looked down at him, utterly confused. "What are you doing here?"

"Tang said you were doing fun stuff over here," the Monkey placed his hands on his hips. "So I'm here for that!"

Sandy's eyes lit up. "Oh! Wow! Yes, yes! Come right in," he opened the door wider so the King could get through.

He looked around as he stepped in, but no one else was there.

"I'll go make some fresh tea!" Sandy ran over to the coffee table that was in front of the couch. There was a chair on the other side facing towards the couch. A teapot sat on a tray in the middle with two cups on each side, one near the couch, one near the chair. He placed each cup on the tray and picked it up. "Make yourself comfortable!" Sandy smiled. He gestured to the couch and walked into the kitchen, presumably.

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