Flooding My Thoughts

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Soft purrs mixed with snores fill the room with a gentle ambiance. The smell of freshly fallen rain drifted in through the cracked open window. Dew settled on the leaves of potted plants sitting precariously on a nearby shelf, the light dancing through the droplets and onto the wall behind them. Sparkly rainbows dancing in the rising sun's light.

It could be considered as calming, the most perfect thing to wake up to. But one individual couldn't enjoy these wonders, not with a dark furred simian laying directly on top of him.

He hadn't known how long they had been in this position or if anyone had seen them like this, but all he did know was that he wanted out of it. Looking down, he assessed the situation again.

Macaque was just as asleep as he'd been when Wukong had woken up, just laying comfortably sprawled out over the Sage's chest, legs intertwined. Wukong had tried to pry him off earlier, but the bastard's iron grip kept him in place. If only he'd shown even half of this new-found strength during their training sessions, then maybe he wouldn't be so pissed. But no, Macaque only gets strong when it's the most inconvenient.

"Macaque!" He hissed, head darting between the sleeping mortals. If any of them woke up, his layers of immortality might be proven useless against his embarrassment.

And just like every other time, Macaque didn't move.

"God fucking dammit!" Wukong groaned, letting his head hit the ground below him.

Why wasn't he waking up? The guy wasn't normally a heavy sleeper, especially when someone was calling his name.

"Wake up!" He growled, pinching and pulling at his cheek. Unfortunately Wukong was only able to use one of his hands, the other hand being trapped under Macaque.

This time the shadow stirred, his facing scrunching up in discomfort. "Shut up, Wukong," he mumbled.

The Sage gasped. That jackass was awake!

"Get off me!" He pushed on the darker monkey's face, cringing at the feeling of the arms behind his back tightening. "Stop being a dick and get up!"

Macaque, in fact, did not get up. "Please." Wukong almost didn't hear him with how quiet his voice was.

"Ugh fine! Please get up?!" He groaned, trying to wriggle his trapped arm out.

The demon didn't budge. His face was buried in the King's chest, fur covering the rest of his features, making it so Wukong couldn't see him. He bet that jerk was giggling away under all that hair, getting a great show from his discomfort.

"Mac-ah-ah-aque!" Wukong rocked back and forth, arm finally coming free. A small chirp of relief slipped out of the monkey's throat, flexing his appendages. Then an idea formed in his head.

Carefully he lifted his back up, using his forearms to push off the ground. Macaque still held on, not helping at all. With as much grace as a wet noodle taped to a fan, Wukong flipped himself and Macaque over so Macaque was under him. His grip loosened. It was working! Perhaps a bit too well. The shadow's arms went slack, his own weight pulling him to the ground. Wukong quickly wrapped one arm around the monkey before he could hit the floor and most definitely would have woken the others.

Macaque looked like a rag doll in the King's grasp, head slightly hanging off to the side. Now that he could actually see the demon. It became very clear to him that, no, he was not awake. Not even a little, even after he had been jostled around.

A weird sort of chill tickled the King's chest, not in a good way. Why wasn't he waking up?

"Macaque!" He whispered. No response. "Are you kidding me?!" Wukong growled, whipping he head to the side to let out an annoyed huff. Then he leaned down to one of Macaque's glamoured ears. If this didn't wake him up, nothing would. "Mac," he said, trying his best not to be too loud incase he did actually wake him up.

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