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The sun beamed down harshly on Flower Fruit Mountain. The cloudless sky provided no protection against the waves of heat being sent down upon the mortal realm. The mountain normally didn't have weather problems and protected against storms, but sometimes the temperature would get pretty high. It was also unfortunate that today also happened to be one of the days the group worked on rebuilding Monkey King's hut.

Sandy was on supply and construction duty along with Monkey King and Mk, while Mei and Tang worked on the design. The two youngsters occasionally switched places when they got tired or bored of their jobs.

"Lookin good guys!" Monkey King yelled as he floated up on his cloud to get a better view.

Sandy looked up at him before smiling and giving him a thumbs up.

At this rate, they'd be able to finish the actual hut today. Then all that would be left is the decorations and unpacking. Monkey King smiled at the thought. He was started to get really excited to have his place back. He never knew he would miss it as much as he did, plus a finished house came with privacy. Perfect for playing the Monkey King rpg. Soon he wouldn't have to sneak into Mk's place to play it anymore.

"How about we take a break Mr. Monkey King?" Sandy yelled up at him.

"Sounds good!" He said, jumping down from the cloud.

Mk and Mei cheered as they ran over to where Tang was sitting at the picnic table they had set up the other day. A watermelon sat on a platter in the middle of the table already pre-cut, courtesy of Tang.

Monkey King made his way over and sat down with them. They began eating and talking, taking in coolness of the shade and the refreshingness of the fruit.

"Oh that reminds me!" Sandy perked up. "Pigsy told me that Mr. Maquack joined you for dinner the other night."

The Monkey King fell silent.

"Yeah! It was great, he was telling us stories and everything!" Mk gestured wildly with his hands as he spoke recalling the events of the night, Mei occasionally, ducked her head out of the way of his flailing arms as she ate.

"At first he was all grumpy and mopey, but then Pigsy gave him some noodles and he perked right up!" Mei stuffed more watermelon into her mouth before continuing. "I'm pretty sure he was just hungry."

Mk gasped. "You might be right!"

"Can we stop talking about him?" Monkey King snapped, causing everyone to stop and stare at him.

"Why?" Mk asked, breaking the awkward silence that had fallen onto the group.

The Monkey King's eyes widened as he tried to make out words. "He- I- Agh!" He paused and stuttered before finally standing up and slamming his hands onto the table. "He's a bad guy! You all talk about him like he's this reformed villain that's all fine and peachy now, but he's not!"

"Woah, Mr. Monkey King! It sounds like you have a lot of pent up stress and emotions," Sandy looked over at him as he spoke. "My therapist said it's not healthy to keep it all in," he paused.

"Did they now?" Monkey King said mockingly as he crossed his arms.

"We could talk about it?"

The monkey's face twisted as he made eye contact with Sandy. "Uh, yeah no."

Sandy nodded. "That's okay. I just want you to know that it does help."

Monkey King turned away. "You guys can go, I think that's enough for today. We'll finish it some other time."

None of the group said anything as they turned to one another exchanging worried glances. Mk and Mei looked at each other then to the Monkey King, not sure what to do.

Sandy was the first to stand. He walked past the King, not saying a word, towards the pile of wood laying on the group. He picked up one the planks and began working on the hut.

"What are you-" he started, but was stopped when Mk and Mei walked past him and joined Sandy.

Sandy looked at him, smiling. "Mr. Monkey King, it's okay to have emotions and outbursts, but you can't let them control you. We have a job to do, so let's finish it!" He said making a fist and raising it to his chest.

Mk and Mei smiled at him giving him a thumbs up.

He sighed, before a small smile crawled onto his face. "Alright."

A couple hours passed and the sun was starting to set. The cave was still lit up thanks to the lanterns Mei had placed around that gave the place a really cozy atmosphere. Monkey King had appreciated that extra touch.

Him, Mk, Mei, and Tang stood outside the hut watching anxiously as Sandy screwed the door into place. Once he finished, he opened and closed it to test how it worked. After he had made sure it was functional he turned around and gave the group a thumbs up.

And with that, the hut was finished, well it still needed to be painted and furnished, but that part was easy.

"Woohoo!" Mk cheered as he jumped up in the air, Mei following suit.

Monkey King stood back and admired their work. Now he could actually sleep inside for once. It would be on the floor, but still.

The group celebrated and jumped around one another for a few minutes before Tang spoke up.

"Well, we better be heading back by now," he suggested, yawning dramatically.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you squishy mortals are so delicate," the Monkey King smirked. "Needing sleep and all that, psh!"

Tang looked at him offended as he grasped at his chest.

"See you for training Monkey King!" Mk yelled, running off towards the airship Sandy had rebuilt that was outside the cave. Tang followed them, still butthurt.

"See ya bud! Don't let the lava melt you on the way out!"

Sandy walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at him a little confused.

"I wasn't joking when I said we could talk," Sandy looked down at him with a comforting smile. "I have a wide variety of teas, you're bound to enjoy one."

The Monkey King looked down, not sure what to say, but not wanting to make eye contact any longer.

"The cats are very comforting, they don't judge."

"Maybe," he muttered, still not looking in Sandy's direction.

"Well," his hand left the King's shoulder. "If you ever decide you want to, drop by. Sometimes it helps to have someone just listen to you."

Monkey King didn't say anything and just watched as Sandy left the cave. He didn't believe that talking things out would actually work, but the offer stuck in his head as he made his way inside the hut and to sleep.

word count: (1151)
Wukong really does not like Macaque, wonder why.

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