Morning Talks

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Wukong's eyes fluttered open. The rays of sunlight danced gently into his room and over his bed, providing a comfortable warmth under the blankets. The golden monkey stretched out his limbs, releasing the tension built up in them from the hours without movement. He rolled over and stared out his open window. The birds' songs echoed throughout the cave, creating the perfect alarm clock.

He didn't have training with Mk today and he hadn't made any plans with Macaque about training him. Maybe he should do that. "Eh." The King shrugged. He could probably push it off until another day, besides it was Macaque's idea after all, he should be the one to plan it, not the other way around.

Wukong continued to justify his actions as he curled deeper into the covers. Nothing was going to get him out of this bed. Nothing.


The golden monkey's eyes shot open at the sound of the deep voice. His head slowly turned towards the source of the sound. In his doorway stood a dark furred monkey.

"AHHH!" Wukong screamed, jumping up and pressing his back against the bed frame.

Macaque just blinked at him. "I brought an offering," he said nonchalantly lifting up the paper bag that was in his hand.


"Right. I'll be downstairs," the shadow turned out of the room.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" Wukong scrambled out of his bed and down the stairs after the intruder.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs he saw Macaque standing in the kitchen, messing with the bag.

"Hey! No!" Wukong yelled across the room. "Just because we're trying to 'make up' does not mean you can just barge into my house unannounced!"

The shadow monkey glared at him. "Not really a house," he mocked, showing off one of his fangs.

"Get out!" The Sage was already over him.

Macaque reached into the bag. "I brought peach bagels."

Wukong froze. "You can stay," he muttered, walking up to him.

The demon smirked and pulled out two bagels and a small tub. A small shadow knife appeared in his hand and he began to cut the two in half.

The golden monkey huffed and sat in one of the chairs, watching him. "Since when did you learn how to cook?"

Macaque glanced up. "I didn't make these."

Wukong raised an eyebrow. "But you made the pie?"

"I did," he responded, grabbing the tub and opening it. Macaque sighed, feeling the other monkey's burning gaze. "Sandy made these ones, he's been teaching me.." he paused. "Life skills."

"Ooh~?" A grin grew on the celestial's face. "I thought you didn't need any help."

Macaque inhaled sharply. His eye twitched, but he ignored it. "Welp, I guess I was wrong."

Wukong's eyes widened, but before he could say anything there was a half a bagel in his face. "What's this?" He asked, pointing to the spread on top of it. It was mostly white with little yellowish orange bits, fruit maybe?

"Just take the fucking bagel," Macaque growled, moving it closer to him. Wukong hesitantly grabbed it. "There's more if you want," he sighed, sitting down in the other chair.

The two sat in an awkward silence for a moment, eating their breakfast. Macaque didn't dare look up at the other monkey, not after what had happened the other day. Instead he just stared at his food, the table, and occasionally out the glass door behind him.

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