Training isn't Fun

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Another morning, another perfect day on Flower Fruit Mountain. The Great Sage, Sun Wukong had found himself in the perfect, most comfortable spot yet. Wrapped up in his fluffy new blanket and sprawled out over his bed. Every part of him was in the perfect position, not a single ounce of discomfort.






Even more perfect. The sun wasn't up high enough to light up his cave yet, whenever he decided to wake up just now. Perfect for lazy naps in the morning.

The King nuzzled his face into the pillow, enjoying the peaceful moment. It was quiet. Too quiet.

As of recently, anytime he was getting comfortable, it was interrupted, most of the times by that one stupid monkey knocking on his doors.

He pulled the blanket down just enough to uncover his ear and listened. Listened for anything out of place. Footsteps, muttering, something that would provide evidence for a shadowy intruder. But there was none. Skeptical, he perks his ear up higher. Still nothing.

Wukong hummed to himself at his findings, or rather the lack of them. Maybe Macaque listened to him and really was going to wait until a reasonable time to show up...or maybe not even show up at all. Man, wouldn't that be nice. He sank deeper into the blanket, allowing himself to fall victim to his hopeful thoughts. He closed his eyes, still listening just incase he was wrong. But really there was nothing.

Then he let his guard down.

Knock knock knock

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." The King twitched, grip on the blanket becoming tighter.

Knock knock knock

"AGHH!!" Wukong groaned. He threw the blanket off of himself as hard as he could, not realizing they were tangled in his feet until he fell to the floor when he tried to get up. Another frustrated yell left his mouth as he writhed on the ground, kicking and flailing his legs to get the blanket off him. Once he'd manage to complete the feat, he was already fuming, steam practically pouring out from his nose as he exhaled.

Another knock.

"MACAQUE I SWEAR TO THE HEAVENS ABOVE!!" Wukong boomed, stomping his was down the stairs and to the door, swinging it hard enough to leave a dent in the wall. "I'M GOING TO-"

"Peach!" The monkey on the other side was quick to move.

The Sage's words weren't cut off by Macaque's, but by a peach being violently shoved into his mouth. He was about to start yelling again, ripping the fruit out his mouth, but something stopped him. He chewed for a second before glaring at the shadow demon.

"It's good right?" Macaque chuckled, pointing to the fruit, obviously trying to cover up his nervousness.

The Sage continued to glare at him as he finished the bite. He flashed his fangs at him in a snarl before turning around and walking back inside.

"Got a whole basket of em," the shadow said, following him. "For what happened um..yesterday."

Wukong whipped his head around, taking another bite, his teeth snapping together aggressively. His eyes trailed to the basket, then back up to the demon. "Put them on the table," he gritted his teeth, turning away again.

Macaque did as he was told, placing the fruit basket on the table. The memory from a couple days ago flickered in his head. They both had just sat here a few days ago, discussing plans for Mk's training, the training that had gone so horribly wrong so quickly. Wukong had expressed such anger to the shadow during that time, but now here he stood, in his kitchen once again to discuss 'training' plans.

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