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When Macaque went home that night, he couldn't sleep. Everything kept replaying in his head. From the hospitality, to Monkey King, to just how vulnerable he had been in those moments. He let way too much of his emotions show, made himself look weak. How could he have slipped up like that?

"Fuck," Macaque mumbled into his pillow as he pulled it closer into a hug. 'It wasn't going to happen again', he thought as he pulled the blanket over him.

His room had become colder in the past few days which didn't help him in his quest for sleep. However, it did aid in his annoyance.

He sat up annoyed at the growing cold and looked over his room. He was sitting on a beaten up mattress on the floor. A stack of dishes, mostly paper plates and plastic utensils, were beginning to form in the corner of the room, also placed on the floor. The wallpaper had started cracking and peeling as well. Macaque hadn't been bothered to fix it, any of it.

He looked back down at the mattress. One of the metal springs had popped out of the bottom left corner. He'd stabbed a pillow onto it a couple days ago, hoping he wouldn't cut himself on it again. It had left him with a decent sized gash on his lower left leg the night he discovered it.

A cold breeze entered the room, sending a shiver and a familiar feeling through his body. He jumped up into a defensive position, taking out his staff. His breathing quickly became rigid as he scanned the room, dreading the worst. His eyes landed on the window. It was open.

Macaque crept hesitantly towards it, staying light on his feet, ready. As he grew closer, so did the cold feeling.

He sighed, not one of relief, but one of embarrassment. The window had been letting the cold air in. He slammed it shut, cursing under his breath. Paranoia had been getting the better of him lately as well.

With Wukong

The fight with Azure had left Flower Fruit Mountain in pieces. Tang's powers had put some of the mountain back together, the part with his cave atleast, but it no longer reached into the sky. The huge crack in the center had made the sides collapse in on themselves, leaving behind what mimicked a sad ant hill.

His house had been completely destroyed, nothing left behind. But, with the efforts of the group, mostly Sandy, it was slowly being rebuilt. Wukong wanted it to be pretty much the same as it used to be, he liked the consistency, so that's how they were building it.

The foundation looked pretty sturdy so far, standing alone in the empty cave. Wukong let out a long sigh.


That's the one thing that seemed to stay consistent. It's not like he tried super hard for it to change, but he had the kid, what more could he ask for?

Wukong fell back against his cloud. He didn't have a bed to sleep on just yet, so his cloud had to make do. Mk did offer him a place to stay at Pigsy's on multiple occasions, but he refused saying that he was fine and didn't want to burden them. The truth was that he didn't want to accept help from someone else, it made him feel pathetic. Besides, the cloud didn't take up too much of his energy to summon and he managed to keep it up for the few hours that he did sleep. It's not like he really needed the sleep, atleast that's how he felt.

When he wasn't sleeping, he was eating peaches or playing his Monkey King rpg that he'd made a while back. Thankfully his save file remained in the cloud even though the console was obliterated, so he was still able to play at Mk's. When he was off doing deliveries, Wukong would sneak into his room and play. He ranked #1 in the entire game, there was no way he would let anyone else surpass him.

Wukong sighed once again as he stretched out on his cloud. He closed his eyes, letting his thoughts flood into him. He pictured his finished hut and how nice and cozy it would look. There was a hole in the ceiling of the cave that, during the day, would cast a ray of sunlight right on top of the foundation of the hut. It was perfect. Wukong couldn't help but smile at the thought. Maybe when it was all finished he would invite everyone over for a barbecue or something to celebrate.

The smile dropped from his face. If he invited everyone, would that mean he'd have to invite Macaque too? He really didn't want to. The guy always just stood off to the side brooding, it really did put a damper on the mood. Plus he didn't even like Wukong, why would he show up to his party? To tease him probably.

Wukong sat up, opening his eyes. But, earlier tonight Macaque hadn't even say a word to him, he just sat there, telling stories to Mk and Mei mostly. He seemed genuinely happy too, like it was normal. Wukong hated to admit it, but his stories were kind of entertaining. He hadn't heard most of them before, so it was all new to him. Maybe that's why he decided to wave goodbye to Macaque.

"Aghh!" Wukong groaned as he grabbed at his hair in embarrassment, thinking back at the moment.

Had he seriously just waved at him, like some..friend?! Wukong really did let his emotions get the better of him and now Macaque might actually want to start hanging out thinking that he's welcome.

"I really hate that guy," Wukong grumbled as he fell back onto his cloud.

word count: (972)
Yeah, this one is super short, it just shows both Macaque's and Wukong's night, little bit of world building I guess.

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