Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: New Job

After some time, Prince Edward's appearance became so unattractive that his parents decided to send him to an abandoned house that resembled a castle more than a house. Two of the king's servants, Clark and Sandy, accompanied the prince and acted as his parental figures. They had a strong bond with Prince Edward, and he reciprocated their love. King James was upset with his mother for abandoning his brother due to his looks, as he cared for Prince Edward. The kingdom was also disappointed with the king and queen for their actions towards their son.


I come from Mississippi and my dad left my sister and me before we were even born. But, he did pay child support and sent us some birthday and Christmas money. My mom remarried a wonderful man named Roger Parkes, who became a great father to us. I also have two half-siblings, Holly and Eric. Holly is not only stunning but also an amazing sister. She's the kind of person who could have any boy she wanted. Eric, on the other hand, was also good-looking, but he didn't have a girlfriend. He didn't like how some girls from school were treating my twin sister Laura and me.

When I was in school, I didn't have many friends. My sister and I would always sit at an empty table, and we were considered outcasts. But I didn't really care about having friends. Instead, I would always go to the school library after lunch. Sometimes, Laura would walk home with me, and we would stop by a drive-through to grab a coke or a hamburger. The food there was perfect! Holly's boyfriend would always take her home, but I didn't mind. I was more interested in my art class. I love art and my art teacher is great. Meanwhile, Eric was busy playing football and baseball. He's also perfect at school, and his football coach thinks that he has a great chance of getting a scholarship.

My parents really like Holly's boyfriend, Randy. In fact, my dad has even started calling him his future son-in-law! Laura used to have a crush on Randy, but she's happy for Holly and doesn't want to come between them. As for my teachers, I generally get along with all of them, but there are a couple I don't care for. Miss March is a bit stuck-up and doesn't seem to care much about helping her students. And then there's Mrs. Hill, who has a bit of a temper. I've seen her send students to the office for the smallest things, which is kind of scary. All in all, though, I'm grateful for the teachers who do care and are willing to help me succeed.

I remember the day my parents broke the news to us that we were moving to London, England. I came home and overheard my mom and dad talking in hushed tones. They called us all into the room to talk about it.

"Kids, we have some news. Your dad got a job in London and we will be moving during your summer break," my mom said.

My sister Holly was furious. "What about my friends? I don't want to leave them!" she protested.

My mom tried to calm her down, saying that she could make new friends. My brother Eric was also upset, worried about his scholarship. It was a tough pill to swallow, but we all tried to be supportive of our dad's new opportunity.

My father agreed with Eric's reasoning and didn't want him to lose his scholarship, so Eric was going to live with our grandparents. Although my mother wasn't thrilled, she wanted to support Eric's chance. I wasn't angry with my parents for relocating, but I was anxious about attending a new school. On the other hand, Laura was excited about the prospect of attending a different school and meeting the king and queen. My father had already secured a house for us to reside in, where Laura and I would share a room, while Holly would have her own room.

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