Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Girls Night Out


Princess Jenny came to visit me today and we had a heart-to-heart conversation about Holly. I confided in her that Holly was embarrassed by her sisters Lucy and Laura, and she seemed genuinely concerned.

"I can understand now why Laura is angry with Holly. Holly should be lucky to have sisters. My mother could not have any children after I was born. I have two brothers, but I wish I could have sisters," she said sympathetically.

I was touched by her words and appreciated her perspective. I then opened up to her about my own experiences with sibling struggles.

"I know how Lucy and Laura felt. My brother Peter is embarrassed by me. Peter does not even acknowledge me as a brother," I said sadly.

Princess Jenny listened intently and asked me why Holly was embarrassed of her sisters. I explained to her that Holly had been hanging out with some mean girls who were bullies, and that they were influencing her behavior. Princess Jenny nodded thoughtfully and we both agreed that it was important to surround ourselves with positive influences.

"I thought of an idea. I can take Lucy and Laura out for a makeover," Prince Jenny suggests.

"Oh, that's a great idea," I replied.

"Lucy has been feeling down lately and a makeover might lift her spirits. Speaking of Christmas, I was actually thinking about hosting a party at my house and inviting Lucy and her family," I added.

"That's a wonderful idea," Prince Jenny agreed. "Can I come to the party?" Princess Jenny asked.

"Of course, you're more than welcome to come," I said.

"I'm actually planning on visiting Lucy and Laura today," Princess Jenny replied.

"Oh, that's so kind of you," I said. "You guys have fun!"


As I read my book, I could hear the faint sound of the TV coming from Laura's room. Holly was out visiting her friends, but I knew our dad had already told her that they were not welcome in our house. Laura and I had been avoiding Holly ever since she expressed embarrassment about us. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. I could hear my dad answering it, so I went to check who it was. To my surprise, it was Jenny.

"I was wondering if I could take Lucy and Laura out shopping," Jenny asked my dad.

He was all for it, saying that we needed to get out of the house.

Laura and I prepared ourselves to accompany Jenny on a shopping trip. We visited the mall and purchased some clothing items. Additionally, we underwent a makeover. I was astonished by Laura's stunning appearance following her makeover. Numerous guys were already expressing interest in both Laura and me, but I informed them that I am in a committed relationship.

"I am sorry I was rude to you," Laura replied.

"Do not worry I've already forgotten," Jenny assures Laura.

As they were talking, a boy walked up to Laura.

"Hello, my name is Luke Bishop. What is your name?" Luke asks Laura. "My name is Laura Russell," Laura introduces herself.

Laura gave Luke her phone number today. I am so happy for her, but she is still moving after Christmas break. When we got back home, our parents couldn't believe how happy she was.

"I'm glad going out has improved your mood," Sonya said with a big smile. Laura then shared some exciting news with our parents .

"I met someone. His name is Luke Bishop," she exclaimed.

Sonya was delighted to hear this and offered to invite Luke over for dinner. "Thank you, Mom," Laura said happily.

It's great to see Mom so happy and excited about the possibility of having a wonderful Christmas.

Edward came over and asked, "I am having a Christmas party and I am wondering if you and your family would like to come?"

To which Sonya happily replied, "We will love to come!"

Edward and I spent some time watching TV in the living room while waiting for Holly to come home. Unfortunately, Holly arrived home late and this angered Dad, though he chose not to say anything. Holly quietly went straight to her room.

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