Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: We Are a Team

"You wanted to talk to me?" Holly asked as Sonya and Roger approached her.

"Yes, we need to talk," Roger requested. "Is it true that you are making fun of your sisters with your friends?" he asked.

"Yes, they are losers," Holly replied.

"I can't believe you would say that about your sisters," Sonya chimed in. "Your sisters have always been there for you. What did they do to make you talk about them like that?" she asked.

"I understand it's tough to fit in at your new school, but hanging out with girls who make fun of your sisters is not the way to do it," Roger said, his voice tinged with anger.

"I am not going to stop you from hanging out with these girls, but have you considered the impact it may have on your relationship with your sisters?" Roger advised Holly.

Sonya chimed in, "Did you know that Laura had feelings for Randy before you started dating him?"

Holly replied, "Yes, but Randy wasn't interested in her. He asked me out and we started dating."

"But how do you know for sure that he didn't have feelings for your sister? Did he tell you that?" Sonya questioned.

"No, but I thought he was not interested in Laura," Holly replied.

However, Sonya was not pleased with Holly's response.

"That does not matter. You knew that your sister was in love with Randy and you still went out with him. How would you feel if your sister did that to you?! I am very disappointed in you Holly," Sonya cried as she stormed out of the room in tears.

But Roger tried to lift Holly's spirits.

"We love you for who you are, not for your appearances," he said. "These girls do not care for you. They only care for your looks. You only like these girls because of their looks. What you and these girls have is not friendship. This family is a team, and we need to stand by each other." With that, Roger left Holly's room to comfort Sonya.

Holly noticed that Lucy was eavesdropping at her door and she stormed off in a fit of anger. Holly and Laura were noticeably absent from dinner. Sonya was feeling down because Christmas was approaching and her family was experiencing some issues. Roger felt guilty for having relocated his family, wondering if they would be dealing with such problems if they had stayed put. Sonya picked up on her husband's distress, knowing exactly what was causing it.

"Roger, please don't blame yourself. I'm not sure what's causing Holly to act this way toward her sisters, but I do know that it's not our fault," Sonya comforted Roger.


I couldn't believe it when Holly said she was embarrassed by Laura and me. I've always looked up to Holly and thought we had a good relationship. Monica came to check on me and asked if Laura was okay. I explained that she had made peace with our parents, but Holly was still embarrassed by us. Monica apologized and warned me about the new friends Holly was hanging out with. She said they were bad news and I should be careful not to make enemies with them.

I headed to see Edward, ignoring Holly and not speaking to her.

Edward could tell that I was upset and I confided in him that Holly was embarrassed by Laura and me.

"I am sorry. I thought Holly and you were getting along," Edward questioned.

I responded, "I thought so too. I don't know what I can do to make Holly like me. I also overheard Holly telling my parents that she thinks Laura and I are losers."

Edward comforted me, "Holly is wrong for thinking that about you and Laura. You and Laura are not losers. How is Eric doing?"

I admitted, "I'm not sure how he is doing right now. I do know that he was upset when he left."

"I just hope we have a good Christmas," I replied sadly.

"I am sure you and your family will have a great Christmas," Edward assures me.

"Thank you. Do you have these problems with your brother?" I ask.

"No, but I do have these problems with my parents and my brother Peter. James and I are getting along perfect," Edward replied.

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