Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: A New Friend

King Daniel and Queen Annabelle have been searching for a suitable bride for Prince Edward. King Daniel initially wanted his younger son, Prince Eric, to become king, but the law prohibits the youngest son from inheriting the throne before the older one. King Daniel hopes that by finding a wife for Prince Edward, this curse will be lifted. Chloe advised the king and queen that the girl must genuinely love Prince Edward, as fake love is not acceptable. Despite this, King Daniel is determined to find a wife for his son, as he does not want a monstrous individual to rule the kingdom.


I still can't believe that I met Edward. It was like a dream come true. I couldn't wait to tell my parents all about him. When I did, they were happy for me but also a bit cautious. They wanted to meet Edward first before giving me the green light to see him again. I was nervous about what they would think, especially since Edward's face was disformed, but to my surprise, they didn't mind at all.

A few days later, Holly's boyfriend came to visit, which was exciting. Randy also called Holly, and it was nice to see her happy again. Meanwhile, Monica and I have become good friends. She's not giving Holly a hard time anymore, which is a relief. All in all, things are looking up, and I couldn't be happier!

The following day, my parents and I met up with Edward and his brother James. Holly was with us too. James seemed to take a liking to Holly, but unfortunately, Holly was already in a committed relationship. During our conversation, Edward revealed to us that his parents had abandoned him because they were unhappy with his appearance. My dad was outraged and couldn't understand why any parent would do such a thing. He made it clear that he never wanted to meet Edward's parents because he would have some choice words for them. Despite this upsetting revelation, we all tried to make the best of our time together and enjoyed each other's company.

My family is preparing for some exciting visits in the coming months. My dad recently made Edward a member of our family, which is wonderful news. My brother will also be visiting us during Thanksgiving, but that's still a couple of months away. My mother is eagerly anticipating the arrival of Eric, and my biological dad will also be visiting Laura and me. I'm especially excited to meet my half-siblings, and I've heard that my biological dad is planning to bring us some gifts, which is very kind of him. This will be the first time we get to see him in person, and I'm really looking forward to it. Despite any past issues, my mom is not angry with my biological dad and wants Laura and me to have a positive relationship with him.

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