Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: High School Graduation


I am in disbelief that I have completed high school. It is a bittersweet feeling, as I am both happy and sad. Currently, I am considering pursuing a creative writing degree at Ole Miss. Recently, Kevin Brown and his family received a generous sum of money, which my dad informed me was given by Daniel Randolph. Additionally, Edward has mentioned that he has a surprise in store for me. According to Monica, Edward might be planning to propose, but I personally do not believe that is the case. We are still young and have many aspirations to fulfill before considering marriage. It is worth noting that I am currently eighteen years old.

Laura informed me that James is giving her presents. Laura is unsure of how to handle the situation because she does not believe she is attractive to James. However, I advised her to come to a resolution on her own. Eric is already on his way to Ole Miss to pursue a career in medicine. Eric shared with me his plans to propose to Jenny. He mentioned that the engagement will be a lengthy one as he wants to obtain his degree before marrying Jenny. I inquired if Eric will have the opportunity to meet Jenny's parents. Eric expressed his hope to meet her parents, but did not want to come across as forceful.

Today is the day I graduate. I wish Laura was graduating alongside me. My dad attended Laura's graduation ceremony. Meanwhile, my mom will be present at my own graduation. James traveled to Mississippi to witness Laura's graduation. Additionally, my mom has agreed to let me join Edward for dinner. I'm curious if my mom is aware of the surprise Edward has planned.

I went to a fancy restaurant with Edward. I have to admit that Edward looked impressive, but his appearance wasn't important to me. At the restaurant, I noticed that many girls were staring at Edward. They even started talking to him. 

Edward was quick to respond, "Girls, this is my girlfriend, so show some respect." His words were firm and made the girls angry.

They left in a huff. Later that evening, Edward revealed something to me that he had been wanting to tell me for a while.

He said, "Lucy, I hope you're not angry with me for not telling you sooner, but I am Prince Edward and the future king of England."

I was surprised, but not upset.

"I am not angry with you. I understand you have your reasons for not telling me. Why are you telling me this now?" I asked.

"I want you to marry me and be my queen," Edward requested.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, my heart skipped a beat.

"I will marry you!" I replied happily, feeling overwhelmed with joy and love.

"What about your parents? I am sure they want you to marry Princess Jenny," I questioned.

Prince Edward calmly replied, "My parents know about you. Daniel Randolph is my dad. My dad wanted to see what kind of people you and your family were. You and your family really impressed my dad with your kindness."

I couldn't help but feel relieved at his answer. "What about Princess Jenny? I am sure she is going to be angry that you are not marrying her," I questioned again.

Prince Edward simply replied, "No, she is not because she is in love with your brother."

I was surprised by his response.

"Jenny is a princess," I questioned once more. Prince

Edward nodded and said, "Yes, she is."

"My brother does not know that Jenny is a princess. She needs to tell him. I do not want to keep secrets from my brother," I pleaded.

"I agree. I will talk to her," Edward assures me.

Edward wanted me to meet his parents. I am scared and nervous. I know I already met his dad, but I did not know that he is a king. I know he is a king now, and I am nervous. I told my parents that Edward is a prince. It's a lot to take in, but I'm sure it will be okay. I just need to be myself and be respectful.

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