Jay Halstead x Sick Girlfriend (Chicago PD)

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Summary: The reader is sick and Jay takes care of her.
Pairings: Jay Halstead x Sick Girlfriend
Warnings: Extremely fluffy

You woke up with a sore throat and a fever. You groan as you get out of bed and put one of your boyfriend's shirts on over your sports bra and shorts, grabbing a blanket from the basket before you head to the kitchen. You see your boyfriend of two years pouring a cup of coffee, standing by the counter. He turns around and sees you wrapped in the blanket. He winces when you cough and groan.

"Go get situated on the couch," he says, kissing your head.

"But you have work," you mutter.

"I'll take a sick day," he says, shrugging his leather jacket off.

"You can't take a sick day every time I get sick or else you'll run out for when you actually get sick," you point your finger at him.

"We're only doing paperwork today, which I have most of mine here so technically I'm not taking a sick day," he counters, walking down the hall.

"Good luck convincing that to Voight," you laugh, which is followed by a nasty cough.

He comes back and puts his jacket back on.

"We don't have any cough medicine. I'm gonna head to the store and get the rest of my paperwork from the station. Voight has a soft spot for you. He'll let me stay with you today," he explains, grabbing his keys.

"Whatever you say, babe," you yell from the couch.

He leaves and you open Netflix, putting Riverdale on. Halfway through the third episode, Jay walks in with a box of paperwork and three shopping bags.

"Thought you said it was paperwork day," you say, looking through the box.

"We got a case but Voight said I could work it from here," he tells you, tossing the Mucinex in your direction.

"If you're not better by this afternoon, we're going to see Will," he says, pointing a finger as he roots through another bag.

"Stop saying that every time I get sick," you complain.

The ibuprofen broke your fever so you didn't have to go to Med to see Will. You still had a sore throat but that was all. You slept most of the day while Jay worked the case, occasionally calling the team when he found new information. Sylvie and Casey stopped by to check on you while you were sleeping at one point and left some soup for you. Around 5:30, you woke up again and saw Jay's paperwork all over the floor and coffee table.

"Working hard or hardly working," you joke, stepping over to papers.

"Very funny. You hungry," he asks.


He nods and you call the Chinese-West Indian place "Wings and Tings" for dinner.

Iykyk: "Wings and Tings"

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