Angus MacGyver x Secret Marine Girlfriend Reader (MacGyver)

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Summary: Mac invites you over for drinks with the team.
Pairings: Angus MacGyver x Secret Marine Girlfriend
Warnings: Fluff

When Mac invited you for drinks with his team at his place, you were extremely nervous. He told you flat out he worked for a government agency when you first started dating ten months ago. No one knew about you, not even Mac's best friend and roommate, Bozer. You quickly showered and did your makeup before getting dressed.

You grab your bag, throwing your phone in your pocket before grabbing your keys and getting in your car

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You grab your bag, throwing your phone in your pocket before grabbing your keys and getting in your car. When you pull up in front of Mac's house, you text him and tell him you were outside. You walk up and he opens the door.

"I didn't know if you were still coming," he says, leaning in for a kiss.

"I'm so nervous," you mumble.

He leads you to the deck where everyone is. They all look at you and stop talking.

"Guys, this is Y/N, my girlfriend," Mac says.

They all look at Mac like he has four heads.

"We wanted to see if we could last with our jobs," you add.

"I don't care what the reasons are. I'm just glad to have another girl. I'm Riley Davis."

"It's nice to meet you."

"That's Jack, Bozer, and Matty," Mac says.

"You work for an agency, too," Matty asks.

"Uh, Marines, actually."

"What did you do," Bozer questions.

"Sniper. I was on leave before another tour when I met Mac."

"How long," Jack asks.

"Six tours so far. Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, and Kuwait."

"When do you leave again," Riley asks.

"In three months. I'm heading back to Syria," you say.

"I asked her to be my girlfriend the day before she left for Kuwait."

"I just got back two weeks ago."

"How does a former bomb tech for the Army meet a sniper for the Marines," Jack ponders.

"By bumping into each other at the supermarket," you answer.

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