Kevin Atwater x Cop Casey Girlfriend Reader (Chicago PD)

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Summary: You get hurt during a shootout and Kevin worries.
Pairings: Kevin Atwater x Cop Girlfriend, Matt Casey x Sister
Warnings: Slight angst, lots of fluff

Atwater paces in front of the team while Will examines you. Ruzek and Kim went on a coffee run while Hailey clung to Jay and Voight attempted to get ahold of your brother at the firehouse. Will comes over to the team a few minutes later as Ruzek and Kim return with coffee.

"It just grazed her. She'll be fine," he tells them.

Atwater breathes out a sigh as Voight tries your brother again. Haliey and Kim cry out while Ruzek and Jay visibly relax.

"Can we see her," your boyfriend asks.

"Yes, but only for a few minutes. Let me know when you get ahold of Matt."

Voight nods and Kevin walks into your room. You smile when you see your boyfriend of eight months walk over.

"Hey, baby," you say quietly.

"You had us all worried, Y/N," he says, grabbing your hand.

"I'm fine. It's just a graze, Kev."

Your brother bursts into the room.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner. We were on a call," he says, hugging you.

"It's alright. I'll survive," you tell him.

"How bad was it?"

"Just a graze," Kevin says as you roll your sleeve up, showing your brother the bandage.

"What happened," Matt asks, pacing in front of your bed.

"We went to question a potential suspect and they opened fire on us. They shot at Kevin and I  pushed him away, which is how I got grazed," you explain.

"How long are you gonna be out?"

"Only about a week. The graze was a little deep, so I had to get stitched up. Once they're out, I'm good for field work."

"Until then, desk work," your boyfriend finishes.

Sylvie comes bounding into your room with Severide in tow.

"Thank God you're alright," she says, squeezing you in a hug.

"Just a graze," you tell her.

"Vice picked up the shooters," Ruzek says, popping his head in the door.

"Thanks, Adam," you reply.

"Well, we should be getting back to the station. Chief let us take the buggy to come visit," Severide tells you.

"We'll stop by when I get released," you tell your brother.

TV One-Shots!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora