Mike Warren x Reid FBI Girlfriend Part 2 (Graceland x Criminal Minds)

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Summary: The BAU gets a case and assists the Graceland agents.
Pairings: Mike Warren x Reid FBI Girlfriend, Spencer Reid x Sister, BAU x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, angst, guns, blood, lots of death, knives

"What do you have so far," Hotch asks.

"We're coordinating with local PD and neighborhood watch groups," Johnny starts.

"All the victims came from the same neighborhood," Paige adds.

"All from different social and economic backgrounds," you say.

You and Mike motion for Briggs and Hotch to step aside with you.

"Since we fit the victimology, we were wondering if we could run point from the house," Mike says.

Briggs and Hotch share a look before responding.

"Alright, but if at any point you feel unsafe, you go to Y/N's C.I.'s apartment, got it," Briggs orders.

"We got it," you tell him.

Briggs walks off in a huff and Hotch turns to you.

"What was that about," he asks.

"Briggs has been protective of me ever since I joined," you reply simply.

"But what about-"

"Not now, Mike," you tell your boyfriend.

He puts his hands up in defense and you sigh.

"I will tell Spence after the case."

Five days later, you wrapped up the case. You and Mike didn't go to your C.I.'s place and Briggs handed the bastard to the local PD for the night.

"We'll deal him tomorrow," he says.

That night, you have a cookout at the house with both teams. Prentiss and JJ hit it off with Charlie and Paige right away, same for Derek with Jakes and Johnny. You made your way onto the balcony with Mike in tow.

"Are you gonna tell him," he asks, wrapping his arms around you from behind.

"Yeah. Spence, can you come out here," you call for your brother.

Spencer comes out and shuts the door.

"What's up," he asks.

Mike looks at you and you nod.

"Six months ago, the whole house had a sting go down. DEA, Customs, FBI, all of us. I was paired with Mike on the op and we were told to enter the building after the clearance was given," you start.

"We were given bad intel. Y/N got shot in the leg and shoulder," Mike says, as you move your shirt to show your scar.

Spencer looks at you with pain in his eyes.

"I was cleared for field duty about five weeks ago," you tell him.

"That op was when Briggs became extra protective of us and why he let us work the case from here, without hesitation," Mike explains.

Charlie calls you in for food and Spencer looks at you.

"I'm just glad you're alright," he says hugging you.

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