Antonio Dawson x FBI Severide Girlfriend Reader (One Chicago x Criminal Minds)

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Summary: Antonio's girlfriend comes home after a rough case.
Pairings: Antonio Dawson x FBI Girlfriend Reader, Kelly Severide x Sister, One Chicago x Reader, BAU x Reader
Warnings: Very fluffy

You raise a hesitant hand and knock on Hotch's door. You hear him say to come in and he looks at you with concern as you close the door.

"Everything alright, Y/N," he asks.

"Yeah, I was just wondering if I could use some leave and head home for a few days," you ask.


"Yeah. Just to take a breather and see everyone."

"Yeah, go ahead. You can work from there should we get a case," he tells you.

You thank him and head back to your desk. You look up flights to Chicago for tomorrow when Prentiss walks over.

"Going home," she asks.

"Yeah. I need a break."

"How long will you be there?"

"About a week."

"I can drop you at the airport on my way in if you'd like."

"Thanks, Em."

You head home and text your brother.

You: coming home for a few days

Sev: what happened

You: just a rough case

Sev: what time do you land

You: 9:30 am tomorrow

Sev: I'll pick you up after shift

The following morning, Emily picks you up and drops you off at the airport.

"Thanks again, Em."

"No problem. See you in a few days," she says before driving away. 

A few hours later, you walk out of Chicago O'Hare and see your brother leaning against his car.

"Thanks for picking me up, Kel."

"No problem. You wanna see Tonio or head to the apartment first?"

"As much as I miss my boyfriend, I wanna shower and get the feeling of the airport off me."

You head back to Kelly's apartment and see Matt in the kitchen.

"You're home," he asks surprised.

"Needed a breather. I forgot you two were living together."

"I'm actually on my way out to meet Sylvie."

"Tell her I'm here and to call me?"

"I will."

He leaves and you head to the bathroom. After you shower, you change and Kelly takes you to the precinct.

"I'll see you later. I'm picking Stella up for lunch," your brother tells you.

"See ya."

You head inside and see Trudy at the front desk.

"Ah, Agent Severide. I miss seeing you here," she says with a smile.

"Hey, Tru. Tonio here?"

"Sure is. Head on up."

She buzzes you in and the first person to react is Hailey. Antonio's head perks up at her squeal and smiles when he sees you hugging one of your best friends.

"Hello, mi amor," he says, kissing your head.

"Hi, baby."

"What are you doing here?"

"Rough case. Hotch let me take a week."

"We missed having you around," Jay tells you as he walks past with Kim and Adam in tow.

Kim throws her arms around your neck and you laugh.

"I missed you, too, Burgess," you say.

"It's good to see you, kid," Voight says from the doorway of his office.

Adam and Kevin hug you before your boyfriend steals you back.

"You talk to her all the time," Hailey grumbles, Kim nodding in agreement.

"She's my girlfriend," he says, sticking his tongue out playfully.

"Children, behave," you joke.

"Yes, ma'am," Antonio laughs, leaning in to kiss you.

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