Blake Gallo x Girlfriend Reader (Chicago Fire)

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Summary: You're babysitting your friend's kid and decide to visit your boyfriend at the firehouse.
Pairings: Blake Gallo x Girlfriend, 51 x Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Y/F/N = your friend's name

Y/F/N dropped their son, Liam, off with you for the day and you asked if it was alright if you took him to the firehouse since he's been obsessed with fire trucks recently. Y/F/N said it was fine and you texted your boyfriend.

You: is it alright if I bring a visitor?

Blake: yeah

You: we'll stop by after lunch

"Hey, Liam, you wanna go see some fire trucks," you ask him.


Shortly after lunch, Gallo texted, saying they were on their way back from a call. You got Liam ready and left. You arrived at the station about fifteen minutes later and Liam was bouncing in his seat with excitement. You got him out of his seat and he ran up the apron when he saw your boyfriend.

"Hey, babe," Gallo says, kissing your cheek.

"Hey. You wanna meet everyone, Liam?"

The boy nods, his curls bouncing on his head. Gallo picked the boy up and carried him into the common room.

"Woah, since when does the candidate have a kid," Matt asks.

"Liam is my friend's kid. He wanted to see the rigs," you explain.

"Yeah, Uncle Blake and Aunt Y/N said I could," Liam squeals.

Blake and some of the guys head back to the garage while you sit with the girls at the table.

"Uncle Blake and Aunt Y/N," Sylvie questions.

"My friend and I are like siblings and they had Liam shortly after Blake and I got together. They asked if we would be his aunt and uncle, and we said yes," you tell her.

"Gallo seems to do well with kids," Foster says.

"We've babysat Liam since he was about a year old."

"How old is he now," Stella asks.

You let out a breath and think for a moment.

"You really need to think about that," Mouch laughs from the couch.

"Liam's gonna be four in two months," you answer.

You hear giggles and squeals coming from the garage before the horn blares.

"Sounds like Liam's having fun," Severide chuckles.

A few minutes later, the guys return. Liam is in Matt's arms and Blake sits next to you. Matt puts Liam on the counter and pulls out a small bag of chips, looking in your direction for approval.

"Go ahead. He ate lunch before we left," you say.

"He had a blast out there," Blake laughs.

"Sounds like it," you reply.

You chat for a few minutes before the bells go off and Liam's eyes go wide, making you laugh. You grab him from the counter and follow everyone to the garage to watch them leave. Gallo gives you a kiss and they peel out of the garage. That night, Liam tells Y/F/N all about the trip to the firehouse.

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