Omar Adom Zidan x Crush Reader (FBI)

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Summary: The reader has a crush on her best friend's partner.
Pairings: Omar Adom "OA" Zidan x Crush Reader, Maggie Bell x Best Friend Reader
Warnings: It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!!

"Maggie, will you stop? He doesn't even like me that way," you whine to your best friend.

"Y/N, every day OA asks how you are. I think that constitutes that he likes you back," she says as she roots through your closet for the green dress she bought for your birthday last year.

You groan when she pulls the dress from the back of your closet, grinning in success.

"Get dressed. He's picking you up in an hour," she says, looking for some gold heels and accessories.

"Fine, but if this ends badly, don't get mad when I say 'I told you so' later."

"You love me!"

You roll your eyes and look at the dress. You do your hair and makeup before slipping the dress on. You walk out of your bathroom and Maggie squeals in delight.

"You look amazing. Shoes and accessories are on your bed," she says when the doorbell rings, echoing through your apartment.

You sigh putting your earrings in. You look at yourself in the mirror before heading into the living area. Once you decide it's good enough, you head out to see OA and Maggie talking. OA is speechless when he sees you. Maggie pushes you out the door, saying to have fun and that she was raiding your chocolate stash. You let out a small laugh as the two of you make your way to the elevator.

"You look stunning," he says, once you're on the elevator.

"You don't look too bad yourself," you reply.

You catch a cab to Houlianne's for dinner. Dinner was enjoyable. You talk about cases he's had and you talk about the classes you're taking for your doctorate. After, you take a walk through Central Park, enjoying a comfortable silence between you two. You stop in front of a fountain. You stare at each other and laugh.

"I'd really like to kiss you right now," he says.

"Then do it, Agent Zidan," you laugh.

And just like that, your lips connect in a long-awaited kiss.

Your outfit

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Your outfit.

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