Derek Morgan x FBI Arkin Girlfriend Reader (Criminal Minds x Graceland)

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Summary: Mike gets shot and you visit him.
Pairings: Derek Morgan x FBI Arkin Girlfriend, Paige Arkin x Sister, Mike Warren x Best Friend, BAU x Reader, Graceland x Reader
Warnings: Mentions getting shot, fluff, slight angst

Paige: Mike's been shot

You were out with your team after a case when you got that text. You choked on your White Claw, causing everyone to look at you.

"Sorry," you cough.

You: WTF?!?!

Paige: it's bad he's asking for you

You sigh and look at Hotch, who reads your expression with ease.

"Take Morgan with you. We'll join in a few days if he can," he tells you.

You grab your purse and Morgan's hand, leading him to your car.

"What's going on, baby girl?"

"My best friend from the academy was shot. My sister just texted me about it," you say, showing him your phone.

You head back to your apartment to pack. You text your sister, saying you were flying out tonight. You throw your bags in the backseat and Derek drives to the airport. You land at LAX about nine hours later. Paige picked you up and took you to the house.

"How is he," you ask while she drives.

"Not good. The bullet didn't go through so he had to have surgery," she says.

"Wait, he didn't get hit in the vest," you shriek.

"No. I thought I told you that."

"You texted me that he got shot! Not that it didn't hit the vest."

She pulls into the driveway of the house. You get out and Derek grabs your bags. You head inside and you beeline for Mike's room. You knock on his door and he tells you to come in.

"Hey, man," you say, opening the door.

"Hey, what are you doing here," he asks.

"Paige texted and I wanted to see my best friend."

You sit next to him on his bed and grab his hand.

"Derek and I just landed a little bit ago. We were getting drinks with our team when Paige texted."

"He's your boyfriend, right?"

"Yeah. You feel like going downstairs?"


You help him downstairs and onto the couch. Mike nods to your boyfriend, who returns the nod, going back to his conversation with your sister. Charlie and Briggs walk into the house and Briggs stops when he sees your boyfriend.

"Arkin," he grumbles.

"What," you and Paige say in sync.

"Y/N, who is this?"

"SSA Derek Morgan with the BAU and my boyfriend."

"Our unit chief told her to bring me with her and that they would be flying out if they could," Derek adds.

A few days later, the rest of your team flew out to check on Mike. You spent about a week before heading back to D.C.

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