Jay Halstead x Girlfriend Reader (Chicago PD)

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Summary: Jay's PTSD worries his girlfriend.
Pairings: Jay Halstead x Girlfriend Reader
Warnings: PTSD, death, blood, guns, fluff, angst
Inspired by the scene above^!

You woke up to your boyfriend tossing and turning. You initially shrugged it off as restlessness but when he started mumbling, you grew concerned. You knew of his time overseas. He never talked about it and you never pestered him about it. You shook him gently and he shot up, breathing heavily.

"Hey, hey. It's just me," you say when he flinches at your touch.

"Sorry, just go back to sleep," he mutters.

"Baby, something's bothering you. Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Just nightmares, that's all."

He goes back to sleep and you do the same shortly after. Two hours later, you wake up again to Jay thrashing in his sleep. You get up and turn on the light before waking him up.


He sits up and looks at you.

"I'm sorry. I thought they stopped when we started dating."

"Did they? At least for a little while?"

"For about six months. But then they started two weeks ago."

You sit on the bed and pull him into your chest. You run your fingers through his hair to calm him down while he steadies his breathing.

"You wanna tell me what's going on in that head of yours," you ask quietly.

"Just flashbacks to my last tour. The endless gunfire, the blood, watching my brothers dying and not being able to do anything to help them," he chokes out.

"Hey, you're alright," you say as he sobs quietly.

"Two months after I came back, the nightmares started. And they were really bad. I got diagnosed with PTSD and started seeing someone. But once work picked up and we were getting cases that would last weeks at a time, I stopped scheduling appointments because I didn't have time."

"Do you maybe wanna try the appointments again? I'm sure Voight will understand."

"Maybe. When you came into my life, I felt a sense of security. I know it sounds stupid."

"Look at me. It's not stupid, alright? You saw some unthinkable things when you served. And to come home and adjust to civilian life, that takes time. You had a job offer within weeks of returning. Will has been there for you since day one. Your team, even in hard times, has been there for you. I will always be here, alright. So, no. It does not sound stupid at all, Jay Halstead."

"How did I talk you into being my girlfriend," he asks with a chuckle.

"You offered to buy me coffee after Will introduced us," you reply.

TV One-Shots!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt