A little Dishonest art

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Some extra lore, but next chapter might take a bit, because I have a bit of a block right now.

Some extra lore, but next chapter might take a bit, because I have a bit of a block right now

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"I'm fine." She said to herself, curling up into a ball, leaning against the bloodstained walls. "He's fine." She said to herself, smiling, trying to convince herself of something she knew was not true. The gun, still smoking, laid in the pool of blood, next to it a clear glass object tinted red. "She didn't escape. Everything is fine. EVERYTHING'S FINE." She said, still smiling. She was trapped in her life.

"I'm fine." He said in his mind, knowing he could block so that they wouldn't hear. "They're not in control, I'll get what I want." He said in his mind, knowing it was too late. The blood pooled under the fabric, the red eye glowing in the darkness. "He isn't in control. I didn't do anything bad. It's fine. IT'S ALL FINE." He said in his mind, trapped in there, denying himself the acknowledgment he was there, even though he really did know. He was trapped in his mind.

Antagonist, Protagonist, become one and the same.(Inspired by song lyric) What's so different about these two. Monsters in their own way. Do you know which one is really the monster.? I know. Right? But they don't. I bet YOU don't know either. That might be a problem, but YOU can't affect the story as it goes on.

R╎⊣⍑ℸ ̣?

200 words. Hope you like this bit of lore, guys! Whoever can guess what the object next to Ally is gets fanart(because why not)!

Y𝙹⚍ ᓵᔑリ'ℸ ̣ ᓵ⍑ᔑリ⊣ᒷ ╎ℸ ̣ , ∷╎⊣⍑ℸ ̣ ? y𝙹⚍ ᓵᔑリ'ℸ ̣.

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