So ya know that one trend-

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There's this weird trend with what you hear in this one song is how you died in your past life, and I'm a writer, and this is what I hear:


Hell yeah




Help her

So let's go!(Tw: blood, gore)

I walked through the jungle, my friends Plera and Mara close behind. I cut through the stuff vines with my small sword, moving forward through the dense trees and strange noises. We were on the search for the golden chalice, said to be hidden on the depths of the ancient structure that lay deep in the jungle.

"You think this thing is actually real?"

Plera had always been a skeptic of the idea, but me and Mara had convinced her to go.

"Yeah! Being immortal always existed, we just haven't found what can do it yet. Maybe this is it!"

And Mara was always believing. She's the one who had convinced me to go, after all.

I stopped walking as I saw a stone wall, vines covering the exterior, it looked like somebody had glued a bunch of rocks together and made a wall.

"Think we can climb it?"

"Might as well try."

I grabbed one of the stones, using the small cracks in between each as grips for my fingers. I slowly made my way up, looking down every once in a while to make sure Mara and Plera were still behind me. Once I'd made it to the top of the wall, I slid back down, only getting a mild scratch on my hand.

"Come on!"

Mara rushed past me, stopping and staring at all the strange inscriptions on the sand-colored walls.

"Oh, there's a room there!"

Plera pointed to a dark opening in one of the walls, and we all went in together, down what seemed to be an endless dark hallway. I grabbed Plera's hand, helping to walk farther into the hallway, seeing a dim orange light at the end, getting brighter as we walked closer. Into the hallway closer and closer, seeing the shine of a golden cup held at eye level by a black stone pedestal in front of us. We all walked into the room at the same time and gazed at the seemingly glowing chalice in front of our eyes. We'd agreed to share the drink of immortality once we'd gotten to it.

"Alright, I read about this part."

"What do we have to do, Mara."

She took the Chalice into her hand and said,

"It only has enough for one person."

And she drank it. Me and Plera both jumped for the chalice, and knocked Mara down, but she had already done it. We all stood up, Me and Plera still in shock of what had just happened. Then Mara started to cough, and she choked out,


And then she fell to the ground, blood leaking out of her mouth, her hand letting go of the chalice as the little liquid left leaked out, spilling out of the glass.(the hell yeah here is implied from her dying after betraying them)

"We should probably leave."


After all, this isn't the first time me and Plera had lost a colleague. Dealing with these types of people for years, it didn't really matter if one more died. We took the torch that had lit up the room as we walked back through the hallway, lighting it up as we walked back towards the sunlight, the body of Mara pooling blood behind us.

"You ready to get out of here?"

"Let's go."

Suddenly, I heard a low growl followed by stones moving from behind us. I froze in place, hoping whatever was there wouldn't notice us. I slowly turned my head to see a black panther with golden eyes prowling down one of the walls, it's head scanning the rest of the strange structure we were in. It noticed us, and I saw it start to bound towards us, running fast.


Me and Plera sprinted through the walls, turning right and left like we were tapped in a maze, loud thumping of the paws against the ground behind us getting louder and louder.



And Plera grabbed me and pushed me down, as I tripped and landed on the ground, the Panther catching up to me, pinning me down with it's large paw as it's claws dug into my shoulder. I noticed it had a sort of hairpin or something behind it's ear, and I was confused as to why it wasn't ripping through my flesh.


Did that thing just talk? Maybe I was hallucinating from losing so much blood. Then, the panther just disappeared. I heard screams from far in front of me, assuming somehow it had gotten to Plera. I got up slowly, but my arm was still bleeding, and my vision was a bit blurry. I looked around, and didn't see anything. Maybe that whole thing was a hallucination? But then the panther appeared right in front of me. It slowly transformed into what looked like a little girl, with white hair and strange purple ears, with large purple hands and claws that stood right in front of me, as I stared in wonder. I noticed a strange red glowing hairpiece she had, 6 symbols embedded in it. I saw a balance, a heart, a smiley face, and more I couldn't name.

"My name is Kuna. Goddess of Karma and Panthers. One of "The forgotten". Would you like to take a walk?"

"Uh... ok?"

I stood up and started walking next to her, following her, and it felt like my shoulder injury had gone away completely.

"So, I'm sorry."


Then I felt the claws sink into my heart, leaking blood fast.

"You've let too many people die for the Karma goddes to let you live."

And as I bled out, I heard her say one thing.

"You should've helped her."

942 words! Wow-

I know this is my art book, but I'm working on too many art projects(aka 4 art contests and also a self project I wanna get done) so no art for this page.

Now I kinda wanna write a story named "The Ones that were forgotten" but like I don't think it would be good so-

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