The lonely turtle

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On the day Mikey turned 3. As always he and his mother Alice was in the sewer looking for things they needed. Mikey got to pick one thing he wanted for his 3rd birthday. He had seen an orange blanket with a symbol that meant family. " Mama can I ave dat?" As mikey held up the orange blanket. " Yes you can" mikey was thrilled and started hugging his mom. As a few hours flew by she stopped as soon as she saw foot soldiers. " Mikey I want you to stay here and don't move no matter what. ok?" She said with a serious face. " ok mama" Mikey stayed where his mom said to be. He was scared because he never seen his mom that serious before. " So you came for me huh?" As she stood in a position only known to her son. " yes and this is where you will perish Alice." a voice in the back said. Alice turned around and saw who was known as "the shredder."

Mikey worried and scared to see the metal man. " you can't kill me " saying with courage. " you foolish turtle. I am shredder and I will destroy you." shredder came at her and they both fought with anger. Alice was down and mikey was terrified. Alice knew if she died in forint of her 3 year old son he'd be alone. she stood up and kept on fighting till shredder got the opportunity to strike. "Agh!!" Alice yelled a horrible scream. " This is your end of life" he took the blade out of her stomach leaving her on the ground. Shredder left as Alice laid on the ground breathing heavily. " Mama?" Mikey said breathing heavily while seeing his mom dying before his own eyes. " Honey I want.... have..this." Mikey took the yin and yang necklace from his mom. " mama don't weave me" crying down on his mother. He held his mothers hand. " I will always be here with you in here" pointing to Mikey's chest. Alice slowly died in front of little mikey. " Ma!! No ma!!! Don't weave me awone" crying holding his mothers hand. Mikey tried effortlessly to wake his mom up but she did not wake. He was now alone and no one to be their for him or care for him. Mikey stayed with his dead mother for 2 days. while looking for food he understood how life worked. He did not want to die and neither did his mother. Mikey only knew where to look for food. He was crying only knowing those good memories of him and his mother. "Mama why you leave?" Asking with fear. Once he came back he saw a huge squirrel. "Go away!!" Getting closer. The squirrel saw the turtle and went to kill it. Mikey only knew some things his mom did and he did those things. " Ah! " Mikey was thrown and banged around his home in the sewers. Huffing and puffing mikey took his stick and waked the mutant squirrel into the sewer drain. " ugh " mikey was badly hurt. Taking his favorite blanket he got from his birthday, he wrapped his left arm.

" Ma I'm scared. I need you wif me " sniffling his tears. " I need you " Mikey laying down beside his dead mother. Mikey knew he had to Barry his mom. On July 10th four days after Alice died mikey made a whole big enough for his mom. He said his good byes, then he buried her. The hardest thing he had ever done and have been though in his 3 years of life. Mikey never left his home for 3 weeks. He never left his home. Mikey slept off in his home.

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