Little ninja

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Mikey was 8 and the turtles were 19. They were watching Mikey training with splinter. He was doing a lot better then he was before. " He's getting better hu Ralph" Leo saying. " Yah guess so" As they watched, Mikey had a bad flashback. Mikey fell of the the pillar and on his side. Everyone ran to him. "Mikey are you ok" Donnie said lifting his brother up. Mikey's face was pale wight, and he was heavily breathing. " s-s-scared" Mikey said weakly. Training was done for the day for Mikey. The brothers were very worried that if that happened again it might be were he could fall off something Evan dangerous, or worse. Splinter laid his son in his bed and covered him with his orange blanket.

Five hours latter mikey woke up with his left side hurting. Mikey groaned while holding his side. He came out of his room to see his family watching ' spider man.' They knew that Mikey loved spider man because of his abilities. Mikey went into the kitchen to get a glass of milk and cookies donnie made. The cookie jar was on the refrigerator were Mikey could not have reached it without his brothers or fathers help. So Mikey jumped up and had to balance on the chair to reach the cookies. While the family was watching the movie, splinter herd a noise in the kitchen. He went in to find his youngest son balancing on the chair reaching for cookies. Mikey turned around and saw his father. " I was hungry father and I jus got cookies that don made." Splinter was surprised that his son could balance when he fell 6 ft from the pillar he was on earlier. " Let me help you down my son" Splinter said. His father helped him with the cookies and milk. The two came to join the rest of the family. Donnie had Mikey in his lap eating cookies and drinking milk. They did not want Mikey to get hurt again from the bad flashbacks of his younger chilled hood. They had remember that they found him all bruised, cut up, and that gash wrapped with his blanket. They did not want him to get hurt it's the one thing the family wanted.

Two days latter Mikey was better. Mikey has no more flashbacks and was doing great in his training. They applaud Mikey from going to beginner to the second rank. Mikey decided to make a cake. He got icing and frosting to put on his cake he was making for his family. It was their mutation day and he wanted to get them something awesome. They have given him a family and a home with some ninja training. " whatch yah doing little ninja?" Ralph asked. Mikey wanted it to be a surprise for them so he lied. " Well I made this cake for me and you guys can't have it." Ralph was laughing and patted his little ninjas head walking away. Mikey was relived that Ralph believed him.
Three hours latter Mikey brought in the cake. Everyone stared at the 4 layered cake with wight,blue,red,purple, and maroon icing. " What color your band is, is the color icing with your favorite flavor of cake." Ralph noticed Mikey had lied to him but he knew he meant well. " thanks little ninja" as Ralph said. " your cake is delicious" Donnie replied. " You are talented with baking" Leo said eating the cake. " Good job I'm proud of you my son" splinter said with proud. The family thanked Mikey that day and had fun.

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