The untold secret

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The three brothers and their father had a question in their mind for the past four months. They had wondered why Mikey was coughing blood up the past 2 times. It scared them so much that one of them would look after Mikey at night. " We should ask Mikey about his condition." Donnie suggested. All agreed, so they waited till Mikey woke up.

Mikey had a secret that he did not tell anyone. Alice ( Mikey's mom ) knew about her sons condition. Mikey and his mother knew the condition Evan the father knew. He felt that this should not be kept a secret. Only knowing what the others would think of him. He may seem like one of them.... he is only half. His insides are much more different. Looking like a turtle, he is not. Its up to Mikey to have this a secret. The family wouldn't understand his condition.

" Hey Mikey we want to ask you a question. ok? " Donnie said sitting Mikey on the couch. Mikey said it was fine to ask him a question. " So why did you cough up blood? Well I'm asking why is it happening? " Mikey's eyes widened and looked at them knowing he shouldn't tell them."Oh it's a thing I was born with"Mikey said hop ring they'd buy it. They looked at each other and knew Mikey was lying and not telling them the truth. They looked at Mikey again. "Um? Uh well Is the questioning done?" Mikey was afraid that his secret would come out. He thought that they'd say it was done. Keeping that thought of the questioning was done till splinter said something. "My son you need to tell us the truth because we are afraid you might get hurt to where you might not be here." Splinter said as soothing as possible. "You need to stop this now because you could probably die!" Ralph was frustrated with the fact of Mikey not telling them. "Ralph's right you could die any second if you don't tell us what we need to know." Leo was scared that if not the truth from Mikey it will be death for mikey. "Mikey please tell us! We need to know or the worst would happen!" Donnie was terrified that Mikey wasn't telling the truth.

5 minutes latter Mikey spoke. " I will not die! It is something you will not need to bothers yourself's with." He said trying to hold back his anger. No one needs to know that condition of his. Feeling like this with all hatred was not good for him. The other part of him will come if his anger is not under control. "Mikey we want to help you with your condition. Why won't you tell us?" Donnie was saying. Mikey had to make sure they would not know. Keeping it a secret was the top priority. "I don't have any bad conditions it's just something I have" Knowing it'd be bad for them to know. " Mikey! Tell us now! We are worried for you!! Don't make up lies!" Ralph was ticked off. Ralph hated being lied to. It made him mad. " I-" Ralph interrupted Mikey because it was going to be another lie from his mouth. "Don't lie Mikey!!" Then Mikey got so mad he said " Look I don't want to TELL you because it's not your concern!!!!! I KNOW YOUR WORRIED BUT LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!" Mikey fell to his knees knowing his angered part, his not good side will come out. The brothers and father came to him asking if he was ok. Mikey was coughing up blood and they were afraid he might get Evan worse. " GET AWAY NOW!!" Mikey did not want them to get hurt. If they got hurt he'd never forgive himself.

" We can't go away Mikey we're family" Leo said with concern for Mikey's safety. " No you don't understand..... AK!! Your not safe now b-because my c-c-conditi....." Mikey's head faced the ground. "What's wrong Mikey speak to me!" The face of terror was on their face. They didn't know what to do in order to help mikey. " Heh...... This is what happens when I'm trapped and not able to come out for 12 years and 4 months? Ha! This is to great." Mikey's condition was that his other half comes out if Mikey's angered in order to protect mikey. " M-Mikey is that you?" Donnie said going to put his hand on his little brothers shoulder. " You keep your hands off of him! You have angered Mikey and you should pay for getting him angered. I am called Michael and now you know me lets fight!" They were surprised and scared at the same time. Michael was fighting the turtles like a trained professional in Kung fu, ninjutsu, and karate. Using moves to complex that the turtles had not known. " Ugh! This is bad guys!" Donnie said still down. " Not a surprise genius!" Ralph was on the floor holding his arm. " Mikey c'mon we need you now!" Leo said who'd gotten bashed into the wall. " My sons! This is it! Mikey you need to come now and get rid of you evil side! We need your help." Next thing they knew it was going to be all over for them.

" Any last words you piece of trash?!" Michael was going to finish them till his right hand took a dagger and rammed it through his side. " Ugh!! Why'd you do that!?" Michael fell to his knees disappearing, and Mikey came. The look of terror was in their eyes. " Ugh! I'm s-sorry I go!" Mikey ran away when he was injured. They were all scared and they knew why he told them to go away and refused to tell. " We have to get Mikey back he is injured and that look on his face." Leo was right. They had to get Mikey or else he'd get hurt. ' Why? Why? I don't know what to do now......the look of fear in their eyes..............they were scared of my inner self of darkness. I don't deserve them as family.' Feeling frightened of what has happened to his family he was backed against the wall. Bleeding from his side Mikey took his bandana off and wrapped his wound.

Leo, donnie, ralph, and splinter looked for Mikey till they found him against the wall. "Mikey it's ok. We're here to help you." " About what happened it's no big deal. You warned us and we were stupid not to listen." Donnie apologized to Mikey same as the rest of them. " Your not scared of my other side?" Mikey said. " No my son. we are not scared of what lies within you. That side is apart of you to which we have no understanding of it, but just because we don't understand it does not make us afraid of you." Mikey truly understood that they did not want him to go and that they still wanted him to be apart of their family. " C-Can you fix my injury d-donnie?" Mikey said getting up. " Sure little brother." Donnie said holding mikey. They all went home after that.
I really like this one so far.
I have loved tmnt since I watched tmnt from the 1980's.
I'm still making more and if you want me to make some more that are different please comment.

Thanks :-)

TMNT: the turtle chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now