The condition

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Mikey was 13 and he finally got to go to the surface with his 24 year old brothers. Mikey was excited because it was to prove he could be responsible. " you good little ninja" Ralph said holding his sia's. He nodded. When he was up on the surface he was surprised. Mikey started to wonder on the roof while his brothers smiled at him looking at the city. " I don't know this was so awesome" Mikey said with his blue eyes sparkling with ' aw '. The brothers were happy for their younger brother. They knew it was always his dream to go to the surface.

When they were out Ralph was with Mikey, and Leo and Donnie were in the back. Leo herd something in the back of them. Donnie herd the same with Ralph but not Mikey he was to distracted by the wonders of NY city. "Guys we need to get Mikey back home" Leo said. Mikey herd them and knew something was going to happen. " Ok Mikey we're going home ok." Donnie said knowing Mikey loves the city. "Ok Donnie." Mikey was walking towards him till a mutant squirrel grabbed Mikey's legs. "Mikey!" Ralph yelled out. Mikey remembered the squirrel from the fight when he was 3. Mikey had gotten more flashbacks. That's the squirrel that tried to hurt his mother when she was dead.

" No!!!" Mikey said all sweaty and pale looking. Mikey did not want to die. He started coughing out blood, and he was getting dragged away. " Leo!!! Donnie!!! Ralph!!!! Help ME!!!" Mikey said getting dragged down the building and into the sewers. " No Mikey!!!" All three brothers said. They rushed down into the sewer following their brother. " Mikey's coughing up blood. That's never happened." Donnie said with a worried face.

The squirrel lost the turtles and took the young one to its layer. To see the layer it was Mikey's old home. He teared up. " Let me GO!!!!" Mikey was balling seeing his mothers grave. " I don't want to be here!!! Let me go!" The squirrel started to fight Mikey. He was thrown and cut by the ferocious mutant squirrel. ( screeching ) The squirrel bit Mikey on the arm. " AHHHH!" Mikey was hurt. He had more and more horrifying flashbacks. " Ugh! Ack!" More blood came from his mouth. It was his condition that he had when he was 2. With his condition he had to stay in bed for 1 month, but since he's 13 it might take longer.

" C'mon Mikey could get hurt " Ralph said. Leo and Donnie knew their brother was right Mikey could be hurt not to mention him coughing up blood. " Lets hurry. when he was coughing up blood that was a bad sign." Donnie said making his brothers Evan more worried than before. They found the trail of blood and followed. Mikey was fighting the squirrel and he took another bang towards the wall. " UGH!!" Mikey couldn't go any longer his sick condition was getting worse than before. He knew he had to fight the mutant squirrel. They fought and fought till Mikey took his blade on his nunchucks and strikes the squirrel in the chest. The squirrel fell down left to breath heavily and died slowly the same as his mother did. "AHH!!!!" Mikey looked at his weapon all covered in blood. He was terrified. The way his mother was killed by the metal man was the same as he killed the squirrel. Backing up in a corner all beat up crying and trembling with the thought of being a kill, a murderer.

The three brothers saw that the blood lead to Mikey's old home. " M-Mikey?" Leo asked softly. Donnie looked around and Ralph yelled " MIKEY!" The two rushed to see Ralph next to Mikey backed in a corner. " Lets get him back to sensie" Leo said carrying his younger brother in his arms. They came home and they explained everything to splinter. Splinter saw his sons condition and said he needs to rest for a while. The three looked at their youngest brother all beaten up and pale. It ticked off Ralph the most. Leo beat himself up for not knowing his surroundings beater. " It's all my fault sensie. I didn't do anything. I'm a horrible leader." Donnie knew Leo was being to harsh on himself for what happened to Mikey." My son, your not at fault. It is a mistake that was not serious to damage his life." splinter said calming his eldest son down. They knew Mikey was strong and could come out of this all ok.

Mikey woke up scared because he knew that was not a dream of what happened that day. It took Mikey 2 months and 3 weeks to recover. Everyone saw Mikey out of bed looking a little better till he fell to his knees crying. " you ok?" Donnie said. " I-I......I killed s-someone. ( crying Evan more )Like m-metal man. I've b..become a murderer!!!" Mikey said on all fours. They had not known Mikey killed someone now that he mentioned it they did wonder where the mutant squirrel went. They comforted Mikey and said that it was either him or the mutant. They said it was a wise choice he made but not all ninjas kill every time. Mikey felt better knowing he did not do something wrong in his life.

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