Turtle found

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Leo, Donnie, and Ralph were on patrol. Ralph saw some foot soldiers taking krang stuff. " let's go guys " Leo said rushing down. " don't have to tell me twice" Ralph said. The 3 turtles were successful once again. "Looks like shredder wanted the can of mutagen" Donnie said putting it in his bag. " Lets go home guys" while the 3 fourteen year old brothers left into the sewers.

The three were walking and talking how the foot got their shells handed to them. " Ha! Yah and that one who ran away and tripped! " All were laughing. " Oh boy that was historical" Leo said. They came to a dead end. Ralph and Leo looked at donnie. " Ok here's another way" They followed the GPS leading to a home. All were confused to see this part of the sewers. " Um donnie? Where are we?" Donnie to had no clue where they were. " don't know Leo" On that day mikey was gathering food and supplies for him. When mikey went home he saw three teenage turtles in his home. He did not want no one in his home. He had seen that they were in the room which his mothers dead body was buried. when one of them was going to step on that spot mikey screamed out " don't!!" The three turned to find a 3 year old turtle all raged and covered in bruises, cuts, and a medium sized gash on his arm slightly healed. " who are you?" Leo asked. " you- you go out! Now! Don't step on ma!!" Mikey was crying while pushing the three away from her grave. "Hey little one watch what your doing." Ralph said somewhat ticked off. " don't dare step on ma! Or I will hut you!" Mikey stood protecting his mother. The three stood their and finally knew what he meant by ' don't step on ma.' They had felt bad for the little one. Leo felt bad for him, so did Ralph and Donnie. Donnie thought that it would have been hard for a young chilled to experience the death of a parent.

" Um what's your name little one?" Donnie said. Mikey was scared and trembling. " It's Michelangelo, but my..my ma called me Mikey" His big blue eyes were filled with tears. Mikey was crying and fell to his knees. " It's ok where is your father?" Leo said with a calm voice. " I don't have one. Ma said he was killed by a metal man" Mikey sniffed. Ralph, Leo, and Donnie knew he was talking about shredder. They looked at each other and knew they had to take him in. They couldn't leave a defenseless chilled alone in the cruel world. " Would you like us to take care of you on behalf of your parents. I think they would like you to stay with friendly people." Mikey knew his mom would like him to live in a home with friendly people. " Wet me get my stuff and say good bye to ma" While mikey was packing he felt his mother being happy. Crying is what the 3 year old did. It was a good thing mikey felt. He wanted to know how these people were and how they acted. To a surprise Mikey was smart in some things. Once he came out the 3 took him. Mikey looked back to see the spirit of his mother crying with happiness while waving good bye. Mikey filled with tears waved good bye, and she was gone. Mikey said when he was older he was going to go back to his moms grave.

Splinter greeted his 3 sons. " who is this?" Splinter asked in curiosity. Leo said what had happened and told him how they brought mikey their. " So his mom and dad died" splinter felt sad for the little one. Mikey did not like to talk about his mom and dad. He had nightmares at night. They had shredder in them. Mikey still felt the sensation of loosing his mother that day." ma" Mikey began to explain everything. " m-ma was wif....me a-and it was my birfday. So metal m-man w-was their" Mikey was starting to cry. " Ma fought h-him.... She did her best....b-but he killed her... ( crying harder ) I miss her!! I tried to 'elp her. she jus died and I tr-tried but I was n-not smart. Dada died from same man... when I was ony 4 months old." They knew he was under all of the stuff that has happened. Splinter lost his daughter and would never imagined a toddler losing his parents, and to make it Evan worse it was shredder who killed his parents. " It happened on...... my birfday, my birfday. I don't want my birfday!" Ralph felt bad as did Leo and Donnie. They were shocked that it happened on his birthday. Who'd imagine some relative died on your birthday, you would hate your birthday as well.

" Mikey it's ok you won't have no one els die. We will be your knew family. Ralph, Leo, and Donnie will be your brothers and I will be your father." splinter said. " No one will die? " Asking with those big water filled blue eyes. Splinter nodded. " Welcome to the family little Mikey" The three brothers said. Mikey was most great full to them. On that night Mikey was having the same nightmare again. Mikey tossed and turned. He screamed out loud to ware everyone was awake. They all rushed to him. " Father what's wrong with him?" Leo asked. splinter said he was having some sort of nightmare. Mikey spoke while dreaming " n-no!!!! Mama don't... go! I need y-you!" Mikey was sweating rapidly. Mikey kept saying ' ma don't ' They knew it was the day of his mothers death. Splinter calmed his son with an old song sang by him to miwa to Mikey. Mikey stopped turning and tossing. They all went to bed except splinter. Splinter became attached to Mikey and said to him self " I'll never let you go"

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