Leatherhead the savior

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Leo went in his room to find his vintage comics out of order. Leo was mad at the fact that his comics were out of order. Ralph saw Leo fixing his comics back to wear they were. " pffff ahahaha!! Oh man your ticked. You look like a pissed off chipmunk." He kept laughing then he was scolded by leo. Ralph did not like the feel of being scolded by leo. Donnie saw Leo mad while Ralph was smiling and frowning at the same time. " Guys what's wrong and why are your comics all over the floor Leo?" Said Donnie. None of them knew why Leo's comics were all over the place in his room that was always organized. They looked to each other and knew it had to be one person and that would be mikey.

Mikey was watching tv while eating chicken tenders. " Mikey!" Leo yelled across the house. " Yes leo" Mikey responded back yelling across the house as well. Leo came into the living room wear Mikey was. " Did you read my vintage comics and did not put them back in order" saying with frustration. Mikey knew he was in deep shell pudding. " uh? I read them and I put them back" said mikey. Ralph was mad at Mikey he was 13 and lying to his elder brother. Donnie came over and asked Mikey the same question that Leo asked. As Mikey responded and it was the same answer to donnie as to leo. " Mikey we are your brothers and you need to tell the truth" Donnie saying to Mikey. Mikey kept lying to them. " Alright!! That Enough MIKEY! I want the truth and now. So spill it." Ralph said ticked off. Mikey started trembling in front of them. " I did not...p-put them back. I-I just....left them. I'm sorry leo." Mikey still trembling. Leo took a deep breath and told Mikey he was grounded for 3 weeks for lying. Mikey never told a lie but this was his first lie ever. " Bu-but " Mikey started to say. " no buts you lied and your getting punished weather you like it or not" Ralph had enough of Mikey . Donnie was disappointed with Mikey same with leo.

Latter the three brothers were still mad at Mikey for lying. " Maybe we should have grounded him for at least 3 days" suggested donnie. "No Donnie he needs to be punished for his actions." Ralph saying. Donnie did not think that was the best punishment for his youngest brother. The three brothers went on patrol while Mikey was in his room. Mikey knew it was bad to lie but he didn't think the punishment would go to extremes. He got up and went for a walk. " Father I'm going for a walk" said mikey. " Ok my son. Just don't take too long and make sure you have your T-Phone." Mikey nodded and went for a walk.

"TCRI" Leo said." Ok let's bust in and blow the lab up" Ralph saying with excitement. Donnie carried the explosives in his bag. They snuck in and placed a bomb on the krang machine. The alarms went off and krangs showed up everywhere. Brothers in fighting stands. " I need to put this bomb on the krangs transporters!" Donnie said fighting the krang. When Donnie had a clear shot one of the krang had hit Donnie. The bomb was set to explode in 5 seconds. Donnie had no chance the bomb was at 3 seconds right near him, so Donnie chucked that sucker out the window. 'BOOM!!!" Wiping his sweat off to be relieved Ralph smacked Donnie up side the head. "Ow" They had defeated the krang barely. " Your lucky we didn't explode!" Ralph said yelling at Donnie saying they could've died or exploded. " The bomb made that huge hole." Leo said looking at Donnie trying to shrug it off.

" My sons have you seen Michelangelo?" Splinter said with worry. They looked at each other and said that Mikey was in his room and was grounded. Splinter was surprised and he had told them Mikey went on a walk at 34th street in the sewers. " Wait 34th street!" Donnie looked at Ralph and Leo. " What Donnie?!" Leo said with worry written all over his face. " That's wear the bomb went off." Ralph went all pale same with the rest of the family. Splinter said to them to check the site of the explosion. The three went.

Early before the bomb going off, Mikey was walking. " Why can't I be grounded for at least 2-4 days?" Mikey kept asking those questions. " Ma if you can hear me...... can you tell me what to do to make up for my lie." No response is what Mikey had expected. Mikey had no real blood parents but he was adopted into another loving family. His blood parents killed by what he called ' metal man.' Then a huge explosion happened. A hole appeared on the roof letting dabree fall. Mikey was hit on the shoulder by a peace of rock, and he fell through the hole underneath him. Mikey thought he fell but he cought himself on the edge of the concrete. Mikey couldn't hold on any longer cuz of his injured arm. Then Mikey had let go and fell down landing on his injured arm yelling a scream. He was buried in rocks.

About 20 minutes leather head came along to make sure no mutant or non mutant was hurt. A trail of blood was coming from the pile of rock. He jumped over to see the hurt little thing. Looking at it was to have been a chilled who was cought in the explosion. Leather head decided to help the injured turtle. Mikey was out cold for about 3 days. Leather head took special care of Mikey till 4 days latter he woke up. " Ugh " Mikey groaned while seeing a huge mutant alligator. Once seeing the alligator he freaked out but then come to realize that the alligator saved him. The broken and gashed arm was taken care of. " My name is leather head " said the alligator. " M-Mikey is mine" saying carefully. Leather head was asking questions to see if the young turtle had a family or not. " Yeah I have a wonderful family." Mikey soon to wonder if they are all right. " How many days have I been here?!" Asking in such a hurry. " A week " Mikey was thinking how worried his brothers and father might be. He needed to be with his brothers so he asked leather head if he could walk him over to his home. " That would be fine, but do you think your family would freak out if they saw me?" Mikey never thought of that but he said it would be fine as long as your not dangerous towards them.

The family was worried that Mikey was missing for a week. " you don't think he's uh? You no" Donnie was interrupted by leo. " Don't say that don. we have to keep our hopes up" Then Ralph said " Yeah what Leo said. But he's only 13 and doesn't know the sewer that well as we do, for all we know he's lost and scared." They tried to keep their hopes up for their brother to be ok. Mikey knew his way back easily, so he head leather head come with him so nothing bad would go wrong. They kept walking for 30 minutes. Mikey was feeling dizzy. His condition was happening again. Falling down on his knees he coughed up blood. " Mikey are you ok my friend?!" Leather head was worried Mikey might not make it. " J-just keep going......Straight a-and go left t-to were you... see a-a vehicle.. then c-call for leo.." Mikey was on the ground coughing more and more blood. Leather head picked up Mikey and did what Mikey said. Leather head called leo. " LEO!! " Leo heard his name and so did his family. They came to where the sound of Leo's name was coming from. All of them saw a mutant alligator holding their little brother Mikey. " Mikey! " The family said holding their weapons up. " No. I mean no harm. I promise you." leather head saying trying to persuade them not to harm him. " G-Guys don't hurt l-leather head. * coughing more blood up * ugh! Ah! " Mikey started twisting and turning. " Let me see him! " Donnie examined Mikey. " what's wrong with him. Is it something serious." Leo had forgotten that Mikey had a certain condition. " No Leo it's Mikey's condition happening again and he's going to be fine." Mikey was laid in his bed, but the brothers made sure they had thanked leather head as well as splinter thanked him. " You are welcomed here any time leather head." splinter said bowing. " Thank you " leather head left and the family stayed with Mikey till he was better.

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