Battle against shredder part 1

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When Mikey turned 16 and when his brothers were 27. They were out on the surface doing patrol. Mikey had spotted a man in the distance. Mikey had no idea who that man was but had a bad feeling that about that man in the distance. He told Donnie but he said it was nothing but his imagination.

So about 2 hours latter they were still out making sure no krang or foot ninjas were doing anything bad. They kept watch till Mikey saw the same man in the distance a second time. Mikey told Donnie again and Donnie was thinking Mikey was imagining again. " But Donnie he's right their I swear! You have to believe me." Donnie didn't believe him. He thought Mikey was trying to do his pranks on him.

" Alright looks like nothing's happening guys. let's go home." The 2 agreed. Mikey was to involved in that man who was in the distance. " Mikey c'mon we're leaving. " Ralph said helping Mikey get up. Still having a bad feeling of the man.

They went home and had dinner. Mikey- the usual pizza, Donnie- noodles, Ralph- chicken wings, Leo- salad, and splinter- Chinese special.
They ate and talked about what happened tonight. " Yah their was nothing going on except that strange man in the distance." Mikey said. " Strange man in a distance? Did you all know about this strange man?" Splinter said stroking his beard. Leo and Ralph shook their heads no. Donnie said he knew about it.

" My son why did you not do anything?" " Well I didn't believe Mikey. I just thought it was some sort of prank from him that I did not want to be the victim." Donnie said with worry that he might have made the worst decision. He told Mikey he was sorry for not believing him and Mikey accepted the apology. They started to have a conversation about the strange man that night.

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