Battle against shredder part 2

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Mikey was out with his brothers and his father. They went to the place where the strange man was. Next thing they knew shredder appeared out of thin air. " Shredder! " Mikey didn't know that metal mans name was shredder. " I will rid you turtles and splinter from this world! No w prepare to die! " They all fought. Mikey was scared while he was fighting but then he remembered that his father ( splinter ) had said no one will die. He believed in that while he was fighting.

" Erahhh! " Ralph tried to flip shredder but then got slashed in the left eye. " Ugh!" Ralph was down. Leo went and told Donnie to cover him. " Hiyahh!" Leo charged straight forward and shredder had cut Leo's face were his eyes were. " MY EYES!!!" Leo fell to his knees bleeding. " I got you now shred head! Yeeahh!" Donnie went to smash his bow staff on shredder till shredder did a stipple kick and Donnie went down with a broken leg. " OWWW!!"

" This will be your last, splinter!" Shredder was now fighting splinter and splinter went down. Mikey was panicking worrying that he might get killed. Shredder turn towards Mikey and started fighting. They both fought and so far none went down. " You remind me of someone." shredder said doing a triple kick adding a back flip. " I'm the son of the turtle called Alice" Mikey said dodging shredders attacks. " I'd expect this from the son of Alice but you will perish as once as she did."

When Mikey wasn't looking shredder had cut off Mikey's arm."AAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!!" They heard Mikey scream. " MIKEY! " The three brothers said trying to get up. Splinter saw Mikey's arm and the ground and saw when Mikey was about to get struck threw the stomach. " Now you shall meet your fate!" Mikey closed his eyes while holding his arm. " No!!" Splinter took the shot and Mikey opened his eyes seeing splinter stuck threw the stomach dead.

" F-Father? Oh no!" Mikey was crying. The three brothers saw splinter dead and worst of it Mikey was right in front of the whole thing. Shredder left and then Mikey yelled out. " WHY!! YOU PROMISED ME NO ONE WOULD DIE!!!!!" Mikey was crying harder as he could have. " NOOOOOOOO!!!" All four brothers said while crying. That day was the worst for all of them especially mikey.

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