A new beginning

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Exhaustion surrounded her as she finished editing her most recent video. Anastasia had a habit of deciding to do all of her work at 2am. The night always seemed to comfort her and terrify her at the same time. She knew what lurked in the shadows when you aren't paying attention. She saw the monsters under the bed and in the closet. While knowing was better than not to her: she always envied those who could live in blissful ignorance.


 Anastasia moved to America the second she turned 18. She would have done anything to escape that house and the people that lived there. A couple months after she moved she met Amanda and they became inseparable. Amanda managed to convince her to start a channel and join her on her trips. The moment she pressed record on her video she fell in love.

She never knew how right a job could feel.

A few years later Ana's channel had grown to over 6 million subscribers and she was moving to an apartment in vegas for a while. She wanted a change and hoped Vegas would be a good start.

After a few days her apartment was perfect. She always loved the feeling of seeing a new place fully decorated. It made her feel proud.

A ring of the doorbell echoed through the newly furnished home. Ana practically ran to the front door in anticipation. She was greeted by the bright smile of her best friend Amanda who was balancing a plant and bottle of Champagne while rushing to hug her Ana.

"MANDY" she screeched. She probably was already annoying her neighbours at this point but she didn't care. All she cared about was seeing the blonde. In truth it had only been a month since they last spoke in person but to the iconic duo it felt like an eternity.

"Omg I shouldn't have brought another plant, it's already a forest in here!" Amanda giggled. Ana just laughed and tried to pry the new addition to her 'forest' out of the blonde's hands.

Ana knew she had an obsession but it didn't matter. They made her happy and plus it just meant she had 'plenty of oxygen' as she always put it.

"Ok ok here you go" Amanda sighed as she released the ivy. 

"Now I want a tour," Amanda said before she was dragged into the living room by an over-excited  Ana.

Ana had always been like a little sister to Amanda. When she met her a couple weeks after she moved from England she instantly felt a need to protect her. After the younger girl told Amanda about her gift she guessed why.A couple years later, Ana was able to control it better and protect herself and others from darker spirits. Amanda got to see the gradual change from a quiet, anxious child to a happy and loud woman and she couldn't have been prouder.

As the night went on the duo watched tv and laughed while reminiscing over past events and investigations. For a moment the world stopped spinning and all the troubles that plagued them waited patiently outside. For now they were just two girls enjoying each other's company.


 It had reached 3:53 am and she had finally finished her video. She closed her laptop and crawled into bed. As soon as her head hit the pillow she was asleep.

It took Amanda three tries to get through to her. Ana had always failed to answer calls on the first ring to the point it had been a running joke between the two for years.

"What's up?" her groggy voice questioned. Amanda just laughed at the girl. She should have known Ana wouldn't have been awake yet and she was willing to bet a lot of money it was down to her constant late-night editing.

"I have a surprise!" Amanda chuckled.

"What?" Her voice perked up slightly at her friend's excitement.

"Do you know those two boys I make haunted videos with every now and then?" Ana only hummed in response.

"Well we are going to do another video next week and they want you to join us!" Amanda then hung up.

"Oh cool- WAIT WHAT?"


Well that was our first chapter. sorry its short I just wanted to introduce the story a bit before getting into the proper plot. if you have any questions please feel free to leave them here and I will try to answer them.

Have a blessed day/night! <3

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