My Online Boyfriend - Miguel O' Hara x Lego Spider-Man

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(Just for you to know this is a joke ship 😗✌️)


As soon as he logged on, his heart started racing. He knew it was silly to get so excited about talking to someone online, but he couldn't help it.

Miguel had been chatting with this guy, Lego Spider-Man for weeks now, and he was pretty sure he was falling for him.

It all started when Miguel stumbled upon a chat room for LGBTQ+ teens. He had been feeling lonely and isolated, and Miguel thought it might be nice to talk to people who understood what he was going through.

He didn't expect to find someone like him.

At first, they just talked about their interests and hobbies. They both loved music and movies, and they had a lot of the same favorite bands and actors.

Miguel and Lego Spider-Man would send each other links to songs and videos they thought the other would like, and they would stay up late into the night discussing their favorite scenes and lyrics.

But then, something changed. They started talking more about their personal lives, and Miguel found himself opening up to this boy in a way he never had with anyone else.

Miguel told him about his family, his fears, and his dreams. And Lego Spider-Man listened, really listened, and Miguel felt like he had finally found someone who understood him.

One night, they were chatting about their crushes. The Lego Spider-Man said he had a crush on someone in his school, but he didn't think the other person felt the same way.

Miguel felt a pang of jealousy, but he tried to push it aside. He didn't want to ruin their friendship by admitting his true feelings.

But then, something amazing happened. Lego Spider-Man said he had a confession to make.

He said he had been thinking a lot about Miguel lately, and Lego-Spider-Man realized he had feelings for Miguel. He said he didn't know if Miguel felt the same way, but he wanted to take a chance and tell him how he felt.

Miguel was stunned. He had never expected this.

Miguel had always hoped that Lego Spider-Man felt the same way, but he never thought it would actually happen.

He took a deep breath and typed out his response.

"I feel the same way," Miguel wrote. "I've been falling for you too."

Lego Spider-Man's response was immediate. "Really?" he wrote. "I can't believe it. I'm so happy."

They talked for hours that night, planning out their future together. They talked about meeting in person, about going to college together, about getting married someday.


It all seemed so perfect, so right. But Miguel couldn't help feeling a little bit scared. He had never been in a relationship before, or seen Lego Spider-Mans face, and Miguel didn't know what to expect.

What if they didn't get along in person? What if they didn't have anything to talk about? What if they didn't have any chemistry?

Despite his fears, he couldn't wait to meet Lego Spider-Man. They made plans to meet up in a nearby park the next weekend. 

Miguel spent the whole week leading up to the date trying to calm his nerves. Miguel practiced with Lyla what he was going to say, he picked out his outfit a dozen times, and he even went to the mall to buy a new cologne.

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