The Talk

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Aleks' POV-

It's obvious that I have some sort of feelings for Eddie but I'm not sure if its love. I know that just being friends isn't enough, so honestly I guess I do love him. Should I tell him now? But what if I'm rejected? Who cares Aleks after all you are Immortal (hurhurhur)

"Eddie, something has been on my mind lately...." I mentioned quietly while looking at my hands and playing with my thumbs.

"What is it?" Sly asked curiously

"Well... Don't freak out, but you"

"Does that mean you like me?"

"At least I think I do" Aleks responded "when I'm with you I'm excited, if you whisper to me or just compliment me in anyway I blush and feel the need to just hug you, and you make me really happy"

"Should we test it, by that I mean if you truly have feelings for me?" Sly asked while pulling into the wallmart parking lot

"Sure" I replied

Sly turned my head slightly and look into my eyes. He soon came closer and closer and gently kissed me. I really liked it so I decided to kiss back. As I pulled away I could feel my face blushing. I looked at Sly and his cheeks were a lint shade of red. It was so cute.

"I do like you Eddie, how do you feel?"

"I have had feelings for you for so long now, Aleks I like you. No, more than that, I love you"

I just smiled and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek, why didn't I notice sooner that I felt like this. Now, I'm happy along with sly but how will the other Creatures take it. I feel like Monica will be supportive, for some reason I think Dan would as well.

Eddie's POV-

Aleks just confessed and so did I, does that mean we're a couple?

"Hey Aleks, are we a thing now?"I asked while walking towards the store next to Aleks

"Is it okay with you if we are?"

I stopped and turned to him. "Do you think I would object against it?"

"Good point, I guess we are dating"

"How will we tell the others?"

"Just go to the house and call them all to one room, once there just tell them straightforward"

"Seems fair" I replied as I pulled Aleks into a hug, his face turning a light shade of red, almost pink. I just giggled and kissed him on the cheek.

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