The Truth Comes Out

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Aleks' POV-

After Sly basically did a second confession to in front of The Creatures i felt my cheeks get redder as the room got quieter. Honestly, I'm not that strong of a person. I was very sensitive and emotional. I had so many feelings going through me. Sly was still hugging me from behind, that made me comfortable, the silence that filled the room mad me feel unaccepted. I mustered up the courage to tell everyone and all i get is an awkwardly silent room. I could already feel the tears forming so i pulled away from Eddie. I didn't look back at them but I knew someone was looking at me, Eddie, my Slyfox. I just ran up the stairs and into the room Eddie and i shared. I threw myself on the bed and grabbed a pillow hugging it tightly to my chest. I just let the tears fall slowly down my cheek. I tried to stay quiet but I couldn't. I couldn't bare to be unaccepted and make everyone feel different around me in the house. The tears wouldn't stop, after everything I have done all i tried to do was be a stronger person. All of the frustration that I have had years before was getting to me now. I sat up and thought, all of my frustration ended when I met Eddie. All the years that went by with him, I wasn't upset at anyone. I really love him... I tuned around and saw Eddie. He looked at me and i saw his eyes getting watery. He sat next to me and guided my head to his shoulder. Soon I felt relaxed and I looked up at him. He had tears slowly coming down his cheeks, I wiped them away and hugged him.

"I'm sorry Aleks" he started "I never meant to make you feel like that"

I patted his back and looked at the door, i got up and closed it. I made my way back to where Sly was and kissed him sincerely on the lips.

"It's okay Eddie, i was just uncomfortable in that atmosphere." I stated

"Why did you come up here?" Eddie questioned

"I have never been a really strong person, emotional and sensitive. Years and years i tried to become a stronger person. It was hard to do until i met you" I looked at him lovingly "when i met you the stress stopped, I didn't have to worry about anything. My anger went away"

Sly just looked at me, his eyes full of happiness and love.

"Eddie, I love you"

He smiled and brought me into his embrace.

"I love you too Aleks"

I got up and grabbed his hand. He got up as well and we walked downstairs, taking a deep breath I looked at the Creatures. James was the first to talk

"Hey Immortal, sorry about that. I didn't know that it was going to hurt you. Honestly, i'm happy that you and Eddie are happy together. I'm kinda jealous, I haven't even told the person that i liked them."

When James said his last sentence Seamus had a surprised look on his face. Maybe a little bit of hope in his expression.

"Thanks James, good luck on your confession" I replied

Everyone continued to apologize. I had to ask them something

"So...... how do you fell about the relationship?" Sly asked. Its almost as if he read my mind.

"Of course we're happy, but one thing." Seamus began "If you plan to, 'you know what' please make sure we are not around or we don't see you. And anther thing, keep the making out to a minimum in front of us."

I smiled at them and hugged Eddie. He kissed me gently on the lips. Why did it take so long for me to realise my feelings for him? I wish i had noticed sooner.

Eddie's POV-

Aleks went away from my grasp. He didn't look back at me or the rest of The Creatures. Once he was out of sight I was furious.

"Are you kidding me?!" I shouted "you guys are some of my closest friends and you act like this to my boyfriend!"

"Sly we really didn't-" Kootra was cut off by my yelling

"Here I thought you would be supportive of us and everyone just kept quiet. Seriously, you couldn't at least try and say something?"

I was truly angry with them, one moment we are all happy and the next Aleks is crying and I'm upset. I tried to calm down but I heard Aleks basically whimper upstairs. Monica seemed to have heard it too because she came up and hugged me. I thanked her and went upstairs. On my way up I heard Monica scolding Koots. I slowly opened the door to the room that was owned by Aleks and me. He was laying down hugging a pillow, sobbing and didn't seem to notice me. I stood by the bed and just looked at him. Seeing him hurt was hurting me more than anything. My vision was soon blurred because of tears forming. Aleks sat up and looked at me. I sat on the bed and held his head while it rested on my shoulder. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks and Aleks looked up to me and wiped them away. I could tell he was relaxed.

"I'm sorry Aleks, I never meant to make you feel like that" I stated

Aleks glanced at the door and got up to close it. He made his way back to where we were sitting before and he kissed me, this kiss was different it was so sincere.

"It's okay Eddie, I was just uncomfortable with the atmosphere"

"Why did you come up here?"

"I have never been a really strong person, emotional and sensitive. Years and years i tried to become a stronger person. It was hard to do until i met you" he gazed at me lovingly "when met you the stress stopped, I didn't have to worry about anything. My anger went away"

I looked at Aleks, I was happy and I really loved him.

"Eddie, I love you"

I smiled and brought him to my embrace

"I love you too, Aleks"

He got up and held my hand. I followed behind him until we were in the room with everyone. Immortal just took a deep breath and looked at them. James decided to talk first. He mentions that he was jealous because he hasn't told the person he had feelings for about it. Seamus looked like he had hope. I smiled thinking that James could like Seamus and they could be happy as well. Everyone apologized and I finally got to ask

"So.... How do you feel about the relationship?"

"Of course we're happy, but one thing." Seamus began "If you plan to, 'you know what' please make sure we are not around or we don't see you. And anther thing, keep the making out to a minimum in front of us."

Aleks smiled then hugged me. I kissed him gently on the lips.


This chapter took FOREVER to write. Although I am proud of my work. Please tell me if you like this so far, I don't plan on ending it just yet. So as you can tell this leads into a Jeamus fanfic, what do you think? Either way I will be making a jeamus and an ianthony. I don't think I mentioned this but at the end of this series I will have holiday chapters, my normal story will not have holidays or birthdays. Basically I will have OVAs for this fanfic

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