Skype Call

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Hey Swans, how are you doing? Today I am trying to put up 2 to 3 chapters (even on the pewdiecry). So, I will be making a Jeamus. The Jeamus will be linked to this as well as another fanfic. Anyone wanna guess what it is? No? O-okay... IT'S A SCMANEX!!! Wooo, yeahhh. I plan to get started with the Jeamus tomorrow. Although I don't have a cover for the story. If someone is willing to make me a Jeamus picture I would be soooooo happy. I also started a colab with CipyCity. She's really cool, check her out! Alrighty then, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Eddie's POV-

I heard the familiar Skype noise and Aleks started talking. I opened my eyes slowly because I was asleep. Aleks was sitting at his computer and talking to Kevin. I went over to him and hugged him while he was sitting.

"Hey" he said as he turned to me

I kissed him on the cheek "hi"

"You guys are so cute together" A familiar voice said

"KEVINNNNNN!" I screamed enthusiastically

"Okay guys, good thing you're up Sly. I want to tell you something" Kevin said sounding a little nervous

"Continue" Aleks said

He took a deep breath "So... Um... Yeah, Steven and I are kinda a thing now"

I looked at Aleks and he turned to me with a smile. I nodded and we both did a fangirl scream at the same time. We had the camera on so we saw Kevin's facial expression... Priceless.

"Oh my god!" I started "I'm so happy, lets call Steven right now!"

We added him to the call and he soon answered with his camera on too. He looked so tired

"Steven!" Aleks said in the voice that he uses when he says 'kawaii'

"Hey Sly and Aleks, why'd you call?" He asked while rubbing his eyes

"Hey Steven" Kevin added in

Steven's face lit up and he didn't look tired anymore, he was blushing a little.

"Wow, DICK" I said sarcastically "when two of your friends call you you look tired, but when it's your boyfriend you're all happy"

"Kevin, you told them?" He questioned

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" He replied

"I don't know, anyways, Eddie I heard you two are together now"

I smiled "yup! And so are James and Seamus"

"I think they posted a video" Kevin said "speaking of which, we need to do that Steven"

"I know" he replied

" how do you wanna do it?"

"Why don't you go to my help forums and see" Steven said sarcastically

I laughed

"Buy my shirts while you're at it" Aleks said

We all laughed

"Hey Sly! Can we visit you guys and make the video there?" Steven now sounded really excited

"He'll yeah!" I said "that would be so fun"

We planned the trip and talked while they packed


How'd you like it? Thanks for all of the reads and followers I have now. I love mah Swans and Geese

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