Our Date

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Aleks' POV- 

We walked out of the bathroom and went to the closet. Eddie chose some clothes for him. A shirt that said "nobs4lyf" with skinny jeans and red converse. I smiled at the thought of Eddie wearing a shirt that I designed 

"Eddieeeeeeeee, what should I wearrrrrrr" I whined  

He laughed a little and looked through my clothes. He grabbed a purple shirt that had a fox on it, it read " SlyFoxHound" on the tail, he also grabbed out a gray beanie and some light blue skinny jeans. 

"Your choice of shoes" he said 

"Woah, no way!" I said sounding like a little kid "thanks mom!" 

At that he laughed really hard which caused me to laugh. We started to change and I ran down the stairs once I was clothed. I put on my black converse and went outside. Soon after Eddie came outside too and we got in the car. The car ride wasn't long. But it was silent, not a bad awkward silent but a good and peaceful silent. I rolled down my window and the cold breeze hit my face. I liked it. I clothes my eyes while facing the window, I rolled it up and took a relaxed breath. 

"Aleks, I have said this many times before and I'm sorry.... But...... You're just so damn cute" he stressed out the cute part. 

I smiled "how is a guy supposed to to take being called cute?" 

"How do you want to take it?" 

"From you..... It's a compliment, from anyone else.... Imma fuck their day up" 

We both started to laugh and we arrived a t Starbucks. We only went through the drive through because its faster. 

"What do you want?" Eddie asked 

"Ummm, Green tea latte with soy milk (A/N my favorite drink at Starbucks)" I replied 

"What size" 

"What ever the medium one is" 

Sly ordered our drinks and drove up to the window. He got a hazelnut latte. 

"Where to?" I asked 

"The mall?" 


We approached the mall and walked in taking the last sips of our drinks.

Eddie's POV- 

We walked into the mall and didn't see a lot of people. It was still early so I was happy. 

"Not a lot of people, GOOD" I put emphasis on the GOOD 


"So I can do things like this" I kissed Aleks quickly on the cheek and held his hand. 

His face turned a light shade of red. I started walking and he grasped my hand. He knows just how to make me happy. I looked at him and smiled 

"What?" Curiosity coming from his voice 

"You know how to make me really happy all of the time" 

He stood i front of me and kissed my nose. That caused me to blush, that's rare, I blushed. He looked at me in astonishment 

"Eddie, I made you blush?" 

"Yeah... That's rare" 

"I know that's why I'm surprised" 

"It'll only happen for you Aleks"  

We continued walking and ended up buying some games. We went into a store 

"Eddie, I'm going to ask someone who works here something" 

Right when he said that a lady walked up to us 

"Finding everything alright" she sounded happy 

"Yeah" Aleks started "I was wondering if you sold any Nob t-shirts." 

The lady looked confused. I tried my best to hold in my laugh 

"Umm. i don't think so sir, sorry about that" 

"No it's fine" 

We walked out of the store and I started laughing like crazy. 

"Shh, Sly. you're loud" Aleks whispered 

I couldn't help it so I disregarded it 


I still didn't listen 

He held my back with one arm and his other hand grasped my head, he brought me into a very blissful kiss and I stopped what I was doing, I couldn't think, this kiss was..... I cant even describe it. I felt my face turn red and he pulled away. 

"Eddie, you're blushing again" 

I just stood there with my fingers grazing my lips, I wanted that kiss to last longer. 


I still stood there. speechless. He smiled and brought me into the same type of kiss but this one lasted longer and was more passionate. I couldn't help but blush. Aleks has been taking initiative lately... I like it. I kissed back being brought to my senses. We pulled away and I was panting. 

"You okay Eddie?" 

"I'm good... Great... Fantastic... Amazing" I started "Aleks, you've been taking initiative lately. Any reason?" 

"Nope, I just feel like it" 

"I like it" 

We walked out of the mall and to the car. I started it and we had a conversation. It got quiet. I heard a 

Aleks mumble something. 

"Huh?"I asked 

"You're so cute when you blush" 

That caused me to blush again 

"I only blush for you Aleks, keep that in mind"

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