Let the games begin

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I was up getting ready to catch a flight to California, so I thought "why the hell not!" And uploaded.

Aleks' POV-

Sly was up, he started using the yellow marker on the white board drawing pikachu.

"Rat!" Dan shouted

"........hmmmm, oh! RAT!" Nick yelled full of confidence

Dan face palmed

"I literally just said that"he pointed out

I examined the picture..... I got it!

"Thunder bolt!" I shouted towards sly

He nodded and stepped away from the board. It was now James' turn. He drew a long triangle on a flat circle. I know what this is, I said to myself. Time ran out and Monica and Seamus were the only ones who guessed close.

"Can I say it?"I asked James

"Sure" James replied with a smile

"Is your word pizza?"

"Hell yeah it is! Can I trade Hordon for Aleks?"

" FUCK NO!"sly started"he's mine...on my team"he got quieter and almost whispered that part.

I looked back at him a smiled, he didn't notice me be he blushed. Now it's dans turn to draw, but he just started doodling. I turned to Sly and tried to hold a conversation quietly



"That was cute"

"What was?"

"Saying that I was yours....thanks"

He didn't reply, but his cheeks were a red hue which made me smile.

Eddie's POV-

"Saying that I was yours.... Thanks"

Damn it Aleks, you say the cutest things. Dans turn was over so it was now Seamus'. Everyone was paying attention to the board except for Aleks and me. I looked at him and notice that I was still blushing. He kissed me on the cheek and smiled. I looked up to make sure no one saw anything. With perfect timing, the timer went off and no one guessed correctly.

"Aleks, you wanna give it guess?" Seamus suggested


He was in deep thought, I could tell by the way he looked.

"Is it puzzle?" He guessed

"Yeah, why are you so good at this?"

"Well, I saw atlas from portal. That makes you think robot. You need to think into it more. Portal is a puzzle game." He explained

Aleks was ready to draw. They set the timer and he wrote "jeamus" and drew a Mario hat on Cookie Monster, he wrote "immortalfox" and drew a fox wrapping around an Optimus Prime mask. I know this one!

"Ship!" I was confident that was the answer

He nodded, and I started laughing.

"Really? REALLY?!"I was laughing so hard while I said that

"Yup, pretty much" Aleks replied also laughing

"Seems legit"

Seamus looked at the two of us.

"Really immortal, out of all ships. You didn't choose titanic or shit like that, you chose the twitter ships. The OTPs. None the less the people you chose" Seamus also began to laugh.

I know Seamus has feelings for James, he told me once. Seamus and I are close friends so it was normal. Once we stopped we continued the game.

"Team Hippo wins!" Shouted James with sarcastic enthusiasm.

"Now that that's over.... Can I talk. No, can Aleks and I talk to you guys about something?" I asked. Honestly, I was a little nervousness.

They looked at us and Aleks started to talk

"Ever since I moved in I had weird feelings. From happiness to well, love."

I looked at Dan and winked, he smiled and I lipped the words "thank you" to him.

"What Aleks is saying, is I have liked, no loved him for a while now. By while I mean years" I started "while going to the store, thank you James for not coming along. We figured out each others feelings"

I pulled Aleks in front of me, wrapped my arms around his waist, and rested my chin on his shoulder. He started to blush so I kissed him on the cheek. That made him blush even more.

"So we're like this now, if anyone has problems they need to tell me or just deal with it"

After I said that it was silent except for a fangirl noise coming from Monica.

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