This is it.

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Apologies if this has typos, sounds weird or appears a little delusional, but I am currently writing this on my phone whilst being drunk off food.

So goes.

I have been thinking really really frickin' hard (scary I know), I've been having battles in my head for a while now about my future, Wattpad and just myself in general (sounding selfish af right now)

Basically, between fighting mental issues, work and my lack of social life, I've come to the occlusion I will be leaving Wattpad over the summer. 

You can hate me, swear at me, whatever, but now, I for sure know I can't have distractions in the way, Wattpad is a big one and I find myself here more than I do outside and building my future. 

I wasn't sure how to approach this subject, let alone how I'm gonna actually come to delete this profile but I know it's a step I must take.

I have a few questions for you before I leave, bear in mind I have no idea when I'm going to delete, just know it may happen at random.

1) Should I give the profile away (not with my books)?

2) should I keep it here, just left unattended building dust and housing spiders?

3) or should I just delete it?

I'm sorry if this sounds selfish but...I'm sorry.

I hope you can understand and who knows maybe in the future, Echo or Tourniquet could be back or even in book form (maybe not that far, let's be honest)

I'll give a weeks warning before I leave, but I wish you all the best with your writing, cookies. 

Speak soon,

Ellie :)

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