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We will torture.

We will slaughter.

In your name.

The dull thud of Enter Shikari’s song rang out in the car. My head was moving with the beat as I related well to the words. I am a reaper. Smiling to myself I turned to face Grimmy, my grin widening as I saw his head bopping up and down with the music as well.

He had done what he said he would. He had saved me in more ways than one.

He hadn’t lied when he said I would turn. I am now the rightful owner of the name reaper.  I can kill whoever has a black soul, their aura will shine out with a dull grey, broken and cracked. Grimmy is given a list daily and we slaughter them.


“When do you take over?” I abruptly asked, my hand sliding into his on my knee. He gave me a quick look sideways his dark eyes capturing mine a small smile on his face.

Thump, thump, thump.

“When I’m older,” he answered, “although that wont be for a long time.” He finished giving my hand a quick squeeze before releasing it to grip the gear stick, effectively pulling us over in front of an abandoned warehouse.

“What do you mean?” I questioned my eyes frowning at the lack of contact. Ever since he had changed me, my body didn’t like being apart from him. Apparently it has something to do with the fact his blood was now in my system, the dark warmth had overridden my own, causing the change.

It was painful.

Or so I was told, I couldn’t remember it, only the burn.

“We age slowly,” He shrugged off, “so basically I don’t take the job up until I’m twenty five,” He opened the door, “in human years.” He added in quickly before he exited the car and practically appeared at my car door. He opened it.

“Oh look, chivalry isn’t dead, oh wait you are.” I snorted, like my joke there, Grimmy boy.

“Don’t make me punch you, princess.” He growled out, before pulling my body out and giving me a quick peck, leaving my face bright red. Idiot. I watched as he rolled his eyes before linking his hand with mine and walking towards the metal warehouse.

“So how old are you, reaper and human years?” I asked with curiosity laced in my voice. We hadn’t actually spoken about this, all I knew was that he was older, and more experienced. Sighing I looked up at him, shocked that his eyes were already penetrating mine. He leaned forward his forehead resting on mine.

“I’m twenty three in human years and,” he hesitated, I gave him a peck on the cheek as encouragement, “I’m fourteen hundred and fifty nine in reaper years.” He finished before capturing my lips in heated kiss; leaving me breathless and a little…well I liked him, a lot.

“O-oh,” I breathed out, my mouth dropping in shock, “so not for a while then.” I laughed out, quickly brushing my nose against his before turning back around and heading for the door.

“Just think you’ll be dating the real grim reaper in just over a thousand years.” He snorted, his hand wrapping tightly around my waist. Going out with the real grim reaper, I liked the sound of that. “So do I.” He smiled. Wait.

“Since when are we dating?” I teased making my face look offended. He stuttered out before I began laughing, the tears almost falling out my eyes at his worried expression. He pushed me away before opening the door with a heavy slam.

“Ah come on, you know I didn’t mean it,” I ran after him, “Grimmy, come on.” I jumped on his back, kissing his neck quickly before sliding off. “I haven’t met your father yet.” I changed the subject, wondering who his father was. He hasn’t spoken much of him; all I know is that he wasn’t exactly friendly. His wife, Grimmy’s mother, was killed over four hundred years ago. That was it.

“One day.” He answered before putting a finger up to his mouth. Be quiet. Got it.

Grimmy snorted before linking his hand with mine, stepping into the darkness. He patted my back pocket giving my temple a quick brush of the lips before stepping away disappearing into the darkness. 

My hand reached out for my weapon, the red tourniquet that Grimmy had seen wrapped around my own leg was placed safely in my pocket. Turning in the direction I last saw him, I got ready to take on over twenty guys, each with a background of drugs.

That didn’t faze me. I liked the challenge, and lets face it, that meant more blood on my hands. I loved it. I reaped it.

I lived for it.

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