Chapter Two

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It was weird.

It was so freaking weird.

“Lily! Lily!” The thumping noise continued as the sound of restrained rattling drifted towards me. My body almost jumped along with the feelings of vibrations through the wooden floorboards.


“Lily I am not joking; open this door now!” The annoying trill commanded, their voice clattering around my head. The slight buzzing of a machine could be heard above the noise, the delicate ticking of a clock.

It was weird.

My head was pounding, throbbing with a feeling of discomfort. It was almost as if I had gone through the boxing ring straight into a fast moving car and finally splattered into a tree. It was that painful.

Moaning softly I tried twitching. Nothing. I tried tilting. Nothing.

I even tried singing. Still nothing.

“Thank God.”

A strangled scream broke through my dry lips as my body finally allowed me to jump away from the gruff sound. I landed with a resounding boom, the loud creaking of springs ringing out.

“Lily? Oh my-” The high pitched voice screeched out. The heavy sound of footsteps quickly padded against the floor. Was someone running?

“More like panicking, princess, hang on.” The same gravelly voice whispered, it’s warm breath hitting my ears, tickling my skin as my hair created a small movement, the slight feeling of stubble rubbed lightly against my chin.

My heart almost jumped through my chest, my ribcage practically opening with expectance. My face burned as the blood rushed to my face and strayed directly to my flaming ears, turning the two new voices into a symphony of subtle instruments as they spoke.

The high voice was trilling in a worried tone, you could just imagine it throwing its hands up in the air waving them frantically around as they spoke. When the deep voice replied it almost sound like it was comforting, the low hum sending a vibration of warmth.

It even reached me.

Shivering, I felt as my left hand twitched before clenching into a tight fist, the feeling of anticipation rushing through my veins.

What was that? It was annoyingly…delightful?

The low murmurs began to gradually drift out, the quick subtle goodbyes were followed by a light click as it echoed around the quiet room. I was left in complete silence. The sound of my heart beating uncontrollably was left like static in the cool room.

It was almost unnerving.

The ticking clock seemed to slow, time braking down.

Tick. Thump. Tick. Thump.



The heavy sound of footsteps resounded as something moved through the room, my room.

My eyes shot open adjusting into the darkened space, the only source of light coming from my old blue lamp as it cast a soft glow, illuminating the shadows of my possessions, the coat handing on the back of my door producing a large figure on the side of my white wall.

“That’s me.” I fell off the bed.

Groaning, I led face first on the floor, my light hair creating a pillow over my head. The dull aching that resided in my left leg intensified as my face squashed painfully sideways on the wooden panels, the thick grooves digging in. I listened to the low laugh, the chuckle was riveting.

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