Chapter Nine

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“Would you stop counting in your head?” Grimmy hissed out, his tone lingering with impatience. Well, get out of my beautiful head then, idiot. He snorted. “Beautiful my butt.” Well your behind isn’t that bad. “Thanks.” I groaned the idiot just has to listen to my thoughts, doesn’t he?

Spinning to glare at him, I almost turned into a tomato as I saw his gaze lingering on the so-called ‘un-beautiful butt.’

“Stop looking at it then.” I growled out before whirling back and continuing climbing the stairs, hearing our footsteps slapping heavily against the vinyl. Groaning, I remembered I had lost count on how many bloody steps we had taken to get to where ever Grimmy was taking me.

“We are almost there.” He sighed out, before quickly ramming past me and climbed faster and faster, I would have had to grow wings to catch up with him. My feet kept catching on the edge of the steps as I tried to follow after him, loosing sight of the idiot as he finally rounded a corner.

“Wait,” I cried out, “Grimmy!”

Creeping up to the dark corner he so happened to disappear around, I practically had a heart attack when his head popped around the corner in front of my face. Screaming, I brought a hand to my chest as I felt my heart hammering against my ribcage.


“Come on.” He smiled, his eyes lightening with mischief.  Oh dear. He smirked before lashing his hand out and gripping my wrist before pulling my up the stairs. I feel a sense of déjà vu coming on.

“Why do you always drag me?” I groaned, trying to forcefully pull myself away from his tense clasp. He tightened his fingers around my wrist, digging deep into my skin as I began hissing in pain.

“Because its fun.” He smiled before pulling me through a metal door, the sound of honking cars roared above the silence we had in the stair well.

We were on the roof.

We were on the hospital roof.

The bright sunshine was blinding as I continued into the middle of the roof, my feet hopping over the small puddles that had collected in the dents of the concrete.

“Why are we here?” I asked, raising an eyebrow in question. “Is there someone else I get to kill?” A slight grin twitched on my lips. I watched as he walked past me, his back muscles twitching under his tight black t-shirt. How have I not realised what he’s wearing?

“It’s time to decide,” He turned to face me his, his eyes solid and penetrating into mine with clear intention. I had to decide now. He span back around.

“Decide on what?” I questioned, taking slow steps towards him. He stood still, facing over the city. You could hear the people screaming at each other over the road, you could even catch the quick sound of patients at the hospital as their voice carried from their open windows.

“Whether you want to turn.” He spoke, his arms lying limply at his side. My left-hand twitch as I stood right next him, our shoulders almost brushing against each other.

“W-what do you mean?” I stuttered turning my body towards him. Looking up I saw his jaw tense, his dark eyes locking on mine. He gripped my shoulder, stroking up my neck before staying their, burning a handprint into my neck.

“Do you want to kill all the time without worrying?” He asked, stroking his thumb over my jaw line. I shivered. “To become a reaper?” I nodded. Of course I wanted to, I wanted that feeling everyday, I wanted to cover myself in blood.

I was a bad human.

“How do I turn?” I asked, quickly looking away from his eyes. I stared at the rush of cars as they created a river of colour, flashing with of yellow and blue. They were the true meaning of life.

“Well you’ve already killed, your soul is blackening greatly.” He turned my head back, my eyes zooming in on the smirk on his lips. He liked that my soul was black.

“Then why haven’t I turned, why haven’t you killed me?” I asked, my eyebrows furrowing. Surely, just like Lawrence, Grimmy should have killed me by now. My soul must be ready.

“I’d never kill you.”

“B-but, my soul is black.” I stuttered out in a confused tone. I was ready to go. What was the point of staying here? What was the point in staying human when I could kill and live?

“You wouldn’t die. I’d make sure of it, you’d turn, and then you’d get to kill all the time.” He smirked, his hand that hand been rested on my neck drifted to my cheek. My heart thrummed madly.

Thump, thump, thump

“How?” I whispered out, my voice was close to shaking. My body began leaning into him, his heat melting into me.

“Kill yourself, destroy your soul.” I jilted back.

“What?” I shrieked. My eyes almost popped out of their sockets as I practically stared at him with disgust. He wanted me to kill myself?

But I had killed before? I had slaughtered and I loved it, why couldn’t I destroy myself? I could stop my heart and then turn into something I know would be worth living for.

“Kill yourself, and you’ll live again, really live.” He emphasised, his face getting closer to mine, his nose lightly brushing against mine. My heart stuttered as the blush crept up my neck before exploding on my face. His eyes drifted south, connecting with my lips. Licking them, I spoke up.

“I can’t kill my-“

His mouth cut me off.

His lips captured mine in a wave of heat, which blossomed into my stomach. The butterflies created a whirlwind of nerves before residing in my- oh. I moaned as he nipped at my bottom lip asking for entrance, bringing a smile onto my face. Like hell was he having entrance. A deep growl travelled from his chest into my mouth before he gripped my behind.

Thought you didn’t like it.

His squeeze of reassurance had me gasping before he quickly shot his tongue inside my mouth. I fought for dominance but he wasn’t having any of it. His hand gripped my hair as his other drifted back down to my neck, pulling me closer. There was no space in between us, my chest pressed tightly against his, are legs tangling in a mess.

Pulling my bottom lip out he drew back, his forehead pressed against. Our heavy breathing mixed together. He pulled me forward connecting his lips back to mine, once, twice, three times.

“You won’t die.” He promised, before spinning my, out of breath, body around and giving me a slight push. A quick peck to the back of my head had me taking a deep breath, before my feet hung over the edge.

I jumped.

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