Chapter Five

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We never broke eye contact.

We had been sat at my kitchen table for the last twenty minutes in silence, his eyes never swaying from mine, the pit of black abyss pulling me in. My nimble fingers picked at the woodwork constantly while he bounced his foot on the floor, the slight tapping the only sound other than our breathing.

I watched as he lifted his arm, cup in hand, and made the loudest slurping sound in the world, his lips lifting in a smirk. My eye’s had been watering for the past ten minutes, I couldn’t believe what I had done. Killing someone was never on my list of things to do. Hell I didn’t even have a list.

“You’re a monster.” I seethed out, my choking voice breaking the tense silence. I could feel his happiness seeping into my body, he was so damn proud. Grimmy did this to me, he made me do it, and he made me kill him.

I sobbed.

“H-How could you?” I screeched, the tears over flowing down my cold cheeks. “I killed someone.” I stood up abruptly ready to attack, the small smirk on his face turning to a full blown one as I slithered back into my chair, remembering if I attacked I would be just as bad as the person who killed Lawrence.

“You are that person.” He chipped in, my eyes narrowing at him. I hate him. “No, you don’t. You love me.” He chuckled as I snorted at his idiocy, like hell did I love him, he can die for all I care.

“Get out.” I ordered, pointing towards the door. “Take you disgusting smirk and. Get. Out.” I screamed, making sure to enunciate the words I wanted him to understand, my hands fisted against the table trying to restrain myself.

He just sat there, smiling.

“I thought you wanted to know about me?” He questions, tilting his head to the side. Idiot looks so cute. My eyes widened at my thoughts. Slinking back into my chair, my body curled up as I leant back and crossed my arms.

“Go ahead.” I growled out. “Who are you?

“You know my name, princess,” He spoke out. I continued glaring. “Okay, then.” He crossed his arms on the table. This is going to be a long story.

“Get on with it, Grimmy.” His eyes narrowed at my tone.

“My name is Grimmy Messorem,” He started, “My name stands for Grim Reaper.” He stopped, waiting to take in my expression, which basically consisted of my bottom lip on the floor. My heart thudded in my chest, my nails digging into my palm.

“You’re nuts,” I grimaced, “You are off your flipping rocker.” He sighed.

“Do you want me to continue?” He growled out, watching me nod in answer. “My fathers name is Libitina Messorem, his name means grave reaper, and yes he is the current death. He kills, he transports and he keeps the universe going. Close your mouth, princess.” He tutted. My mouth snapped shut.

“T-then why did you go and kill Lawrence?” I stuttered out.

“You, you, killed him.” He reminded me. “We went there because his time was coming. He was already on my fathers list; last night was just the final straw. He hurt an innocent,” He chuckled out, “so it was time for him to go.”

“What do you mean time to go?” I asked with curiosity, my hands ringing together on the table.

“It means his soul was ready to be harvested. It was pure black and needed to be whisked away to hell before he could do any more damage.” Too me, I finished in my head, the slight nod of his black tufted hair, agreeing with my answer. I inhaled sharply, this was just absolutely is crazy.

“Why did you involve me?” I questioned, still confused as to why he was the snake paramedic and why exactly he took me to kill Lawrence. I shivered; I still could not believe I did that.

“You hate-” he stopped, deep in thought, “You hated him. I saved you because you are different. You fought to stay alive, but for what?” He asked, a smirk forming as I stuttered out an unresponsive answer.

My life was never the best; I didn’t grow up with tons of friends who wanted to hang out every day. I didn’t go on family trips and holidays with my parents, as they were to busy blazing up. They would ignore me day in and day out, only coming to me for my own money.

That was the Hemophilia’s fault.

If I hadn’t of had to have blood transfusions almost every time I tripped over and broke the skin on my body. If I hadn’t have had to have the ambulance called out and for them to use multiple aids to help me, the gurney, the tourniquet.

Maybe my life would be different.

I wouldn’t have to scrape by on the crappy amount of money my parents left me after they got banged up.

“Why me?” I asked staring at his face as he stood up, cracking his back and stretching, my eyes drifting down to the little strip of tanned skin as it showed up right above his trouser line.

Thump, thump, thump.

He shrugged before hooking a black leather jacket from my coat rack and shaking it on. I scuffled up after him, running behind him as he headed for the front door.

“Wait,” I shouted, “Why did I even kill Lawrence?” I asked, no remorse layered into my tone. It was almost as if I couldn’t care less that my ex was dead, gone, never to be seen again.

“You wanted to.” He stated, his eyes slithering to mine, smouldering as he leaned in quickly, his nose brushing ever so slightly over my cold one. I could feel the heart rise to my cheeks as he whispered, sending a warm rush running over me.

“I am the next grim reaper, and you could join me.”

 And with that he left.

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