Chapter Seven

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The rain drowned out the priest.

The solid tapping of it against the window had almost everyone shivering in their wooly coats, their hoods down out of respect to the church. Weeping adults sat there blowing their noses into soggy tissues while their children sat next to them, crying because they were bored and didn’t understand the heaviness of the situation.

I did.

I caused it.

“And with those final words, we get ready to lay Lawrence Andrew Roberts to rest.” The priest finished, his hands on the coffin in front of him. His light eyes scanned around the room flittering to me and then to Lawrence’s mother sat beside me. Her arm was wrapped tightly around me, her broken cries disappearing into my shoulder.

Nice and soggy. Thanks.

I couldn’t find it in me to shed a single tear. I sat there solemn and impassive as the service went on, just letting Ms. Roberts sniffle endlessly. She wouldn’t be lying on my shoulder if she knew what I had done.

Sighing, I hooked my arm around her waist pulling her up as we followed everyone else out into the rain, the coffin leading the way.

“You were such a great girlfriend,” she whispered, gripping my hand, “I thought of you as part of the family.” She let out a tiny smile before dropping it as we got the burial.

“Thank you.” I murmured, my voice coming out monotone. Hopefully they would pass it off as being upset rather than the fact I couldn’t care less that she thought of me as family and that I killed her son.

Well she didn’t know that bit.

Stepping through the curtain of black suits and dresses, Ms. Roberts and I stood at the side of the coffin, the blue curves running over the lid almost blending in with the dreary weather.

She whipped her hood up now, her dark hair disappearing underneath. I just stood their letting the water run over me, my blonde hair flattening to my head as I stared at the lowering of the coffin.

Just stared.

I didn’t feel anything; I didn’t feel remorse for his death or her loss. I didn’t feel as if my life had gotten worse from this, it was already at rock bottom, tied with an unbreakable string never to allow me to live the way I wanted.

But you could do.

Grimmy’s offer rang in my mind replaying over and over, ‘I am the next grim reaper, and you could join me’.

I could kill, I could feel, and I could live.

“Goodbye Lawrence.” Everyone whispered creating a chorus of upset voices, their eyes downcast. Ms. Roberts gave my shoulder a quick squeeze before turning and walking with the rest of them, while my eyes stayed locked on the coffin.

The rain began pouring down, washing over the ground and his disappearing coffin. I had killed this man. I had put him were he was today, in a hole in the ground ready to never see the light again.

“You liked it though.” A voice startled me, a high shriek breaking through my lips. Whipping my head up I saw him standing there, covered head to toe in black leather, a dark hood over his head. He really looked like the Grim Reaper. “Thanks.” He smirked as he walked around the grave heading towards me.

“You're back,” I breathed out, my eyes following his every step. “Why?” I asked.

“You wanted me back,” he smiled, “what’s that feeling you’ve been having recently?” He probed, his body finally towering over me, his face dipping closer to me, the blush on my face rising with his sudden closeness.

“I-I-“ I stuttered out. How did he know what I wanted? That thrill, that feeling, it bubbled up and I wanted it now.

“Great let’s go.” He chirped puling me tightly against his body.

He stepped forward.

We landed in an unknown apartment with a heavy thud, my feet twisting on the floor causing me to trip. Grimmy’s arm quickly wrapped around my waist to keep me from falling as almost hit the ground.

“Y-you have to stop doing that.” I whispered watching as he rolled his eyes. I felt his hand trail from my hip up my side until he touched my shoulder.

“No.” He smiled, his breath hitting my face, I trembled as his hands continued it journey, brushing over my arm before gripping my hand and dragging me into a different room.

“Choose your weapon”, he said indicating to anything in the apartment, my hand sliding over the worktops as I looked around the kitchen.

“Do you live here?” I asked as I stared at the arrangement of knives sitting in size order.

“Yes.” He whispered as something suddenly wrapped around my neck, the texture of rubber was cool against my skin as it tightened. “Or you could use this,” Grimmy boy breathed, his warm breath bringing the little hairs on my neck to attention.

Looking down I followed his hands, watching the veins of his muscles twitch as he contracted the-wow.

Hold on.

“You want me to use this?” I screeched, bringing my hands up two his, trying to rip them away from me. “Are you serious?” I continued as I finally managed to pry his hands off, swinging around to face him, that little smirk on his annoyingly handsome face indicating his amusement.

“What, you don’t like the idea, princess?” He sniggered as he brought the torture device in front of my face, the rubber almost taunting me. “You don’t want to get your own back?” I continued to stare at it.

Use it.

“Give it.” I snatched the rubber from his hand, smiling down at the beautiful piece of weaponry I knew so well.

“What are we waiting for?” I smirked up at Grimmy, watching as his eyes shined with admiration. This was going to be fun. He pulled my face up with his hands as he gave my forehead a quick brush of the lips.

“Come on.” He dragged me away from his apartment as my eyes drifted towards my hands. I couldn’t wait to use this. Giving him one final smile, I finally spoke out.

“The tourniquet was a great idea.”

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