Chapter Four

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I was travelling at a fast pace, that much I knew.

A cool air was brushing past my head as my hair whipped backwards, the slight buzzing of a radio reached my ears. My head was heavy; it felt as if I had a cloud residing there enclosing my brain.

There was slight brush of fingers against my left shoulder, the warmth contrasting with the cold. Moaning, I tilted my head away from the feeling, the shocking moment when my head rolled of something and smacked into something hot and solid. Ouch.

“Shi-princess, watch it alright?” Grimmy’s voice spoke out, letting out a small moan of his own. The bright light invaded my eyes as I brought my hands up over my eyes to block it out. Peaking out through my fingers I almost punched the idiot.

“Where the hell are we going?” I screeched out, as my eyes were solely focused on the road we were travelling on, a road so familiar I’m pretty sure I could find even in my deepest sleep.

“To my job.” He turned his head to me, the smirk taking up half of his beautiful face. “Thank you.” My eyes widened.

“W-what?” I stuttered out. I didn’t say that out load did I?

“Your thoughts are easy to access.” My mouth almost dropped at his words. He can read thoughts? He’s a flipping vampire.

“Oh my-” His hand slapped on my mouth, his features hardening in anger. Well he’s going to suck me dry isn’t he? I’m here because I’m vampire food. My eyes widened as I realised this must be his job, to lure humans into the vampire world.

“I’m not a vampire!” He spat out, his eyes becoming a solid black wall. If looks could kill, I’d be one million feet under. “I’ll put you there soon if you don’t get out the freaking car.”

I snapped out of it, taking in the empty driver seat and the parked car. I locked the door in one quick motion. My heart pounding as I looked out at the house we were parked in front of, my hands trembling. He was having a laugh.

“Open the door, Lily.” He growled his hands yanking at the door. “I won’t tell you other wise.” He smirked.

I clicked the lock.

He swung the door open in one swift movement, gesturing for me to get out. Taking a deep breath, I put my left foot onto the driveway, clinging to the doorframe as I stood up. His eye’s trailed me as I moved forward, the quick slam of a door echoed around the quiet street.

“Let’s go.” He chirped, wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me towards the dreaded house.

My ex’s house.

“I hate you,” I spat out, “What are we doing here?” I shoved his arm off, turning to glare at him, my hair whipping in a circle almost catching him in the face. How does he even know this?

“It’s my job.”

“Your job is to take me to my ex’s house?” I cried. “What is your problem?” I freaked out, my voice rising to a pitch I’m sure dogs could only hear.

“My problem is you,” He gripped my arm, dragging me towards the wooden panelled house as he continued explaining, “You don’t have fun.” And with that he covered my eyes and stepped forward.

The warmth engulfed me.

My heart was pounding in my chest as my body adjusted to the quick change. My back burning as Grimmy stood directly behind me, his breath hitting the back of my hair. He put a finger over my mouth to tell me to be quiet. Looking up I watched as he walked around me, leaving me shivering as he took his body heat away.

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